The Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry
Serving those in need 365 days of the year
Raise your voice to advocate for social justice issues that affect our community!
Father Mike, in partnership with the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA), has put together a one page reference guide with everything you need to raise your voice to affect positive change today.
Get involved in our Outreach Ministries Today
Our latest news
Get involved today at these upcoming outreach events
Join us in making a difference in Hartford and beyond.
Our Mission
Located in downtown Hartford, we strive to meet a growing demand for quality community services reaching out to a diverse population, especially the poor, the alienated, and those seeking educational opportunities.
The Center reaches out not only to a diverse community but to area neighborhoods, cities, and towns. The Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is supported through grants, fundraisers, and the generosity of people who offer their financial support as well as time and talent to help us in building this thriving ministry.

How we serve people every day
Every day from 4:00 – 5:30 pm: Sandwiches available at the sandwich door
Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 – 4:00 pm: Social workers available to help facilitate a connection to services for those in need.
Tuesday and Thursday starting at 4:00 pm: Hot meals served outside the Franciscan Center. Blood pressure and blood sugar checked by student nurses from the University of St. Joseph.
Sundays from 12:00 – 1:30 pm: Additional sandwich distribution hosted by Father Francis
Food Security Ministries
You are invited to join us in working to serve those facing food insecurity in Hartford.
Our own Sandwich Ministry has served the hungry who come to our door 365 days a year for over 20 years. We also partner with the House of Bread and Levo International to help alleviate food insecurity in Hartford. Here are the ways you can help:
Affordable Housing
Access to affordable housing is a significant issue for many residents in the greater Hartford area and around the world. We work to do our part by partnering with the following organizations.
Ministry to the Homeless
The Franciscan Center works closely with allied institutions to serve a most vulnerable community, those without stable housing situations.
Interfaith Community Organizing: Working for Justice
We are only one voice, but in partnering with a diverse, interfaith group of like minded organizations, we are making a difference working toward systemic change for those who find themselves pushed to society’s margins.

While much of the work the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry involves acts of charity, we are also called to work to create a more just society for many people who find themselves pushed to society’s margins. The Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA) is a partnership of over 44 churches, synagogues, mosques, meeting houses and organizations that combine our voices to make systemic changes to broad-based justice initiatives.
Issues we focused on last year resulted in various legislative victories in last year’s session, including the repeal of welfare liens, as well as the Clean Slate Act, helping hundreds of thousands of people who had been incarcerated obtain clean records and be able to move on with their lives.
Immigration Ministry

The Greater Hartford Immigration Coalition (GHIC) is dedicated to helping refugees and asylum seekers who are fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries. We assist them in the application for legal status in the United States in order to gain safety and the opportunity for a better life. GHIC is focused on humanizing the immigration system through participation in advocacy, rule-making and reform.
Ministry with the LGBTQ+ Community
As an organization committed to justice, the Open Hearts Ministry of the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry will actively provide and promote faith opportunities that build community for those who may have experienced spiritual disconnection.

The Open Hearts LGBTQ+ Ministry provides educational opportunities to build and develop greater visibility and understanding of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender experiences within our church community and develop faith building outreach programming to the diverse spectrum of the LGBT community.
The Family and Friends of LGBTQ+ is a group composed of members of the church who love their gay and lesbian family members unconditionally. This group holds regular meetings, provides ongoing educational programs, and offers continued spiritual development.
Facilities and Meeting Space
The facilities at the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry may be used by other non-profit agencies whose mission statement reflects and embraces our mission statement. Priority us given to the programs and ministries sponsored by the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. Fundraising of any kind cannot be conducted within our facilities. For more information, please contact the parish office.
For those in need
Resources for those in need in the Greater Hartford Area.
For Those In Need
For Those In Need sandwiches food clothing shelters Sandwich Distribution Sandwiches are distributed 7 days a week from 4-5:30 pm and Sundays from 12:00 – 1:00 pm at the Sandwich Ministry Door located on the North Side of the Franciscan…