Hospitality Ministries

Community Sunday Hosts
2nd Sunday of the month after the 8 am and 10 am Masses
Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. ~ Proverbs 15:17 NIV
Community Sunday Hosts prepare coffee and donuts for our parish community fellowship after the morning liturgies on the second Sunday of each month during the program year. Fair Trade Coffee is served at these monthly gatherings. The hosts work together as a team to offer hospitality for the parish community by preparing and monitoring the supply of coffee, donuts, and milk – and, in summer months, lemonade and cookies. In addition, team members set up and clean up the room.
Fill out our contact form by clicking below to get in touch with our Director of Community Engagement.

Community Sunday Evening Edition Hosts
4th Sunday of the month after the 5 pm Mass
Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. ~ Proverbs 15:17 NIV
Community Sunday Evening Edition Hosts prepare wine, cheese, fruit, and treats for our parish community fellowship after the 5:00 pm Mass on the fourth Sunday of each month during the program year. The hosts work together as a team to offer hospitality for the parish community by preparing and monitoring the supply of food and drinks. In addition, team members set up and clean up the room.
Fill out our contact form by clicking below to get in touch with our Director of Community Engagement.

Hospitality Committee
Let me bring you a little food that you may refresh yourselves; and afterward you may go on your way. ~ Genesis 18:5 NAB
The Hospitality Ministry team plans, prepares, and serves meals for events in the parish and in the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. Members serve at Lenten, Advent, and summer nourishment events, various Urban Center activities, and occasional evening retreats.
Fill out our contact form by clicking below to get in touch with our Director of Volunteer Ministry.

Office Support Team
For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones. ~ Hebrew 6:10 NAB
Our office support team works behind the scenes to support our community and ministries by assisting the staff of the parish and the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry.
Fill out our contact form by clicking below to get in touch with our Director of Volunteer Ministry.

Welcoming Committee
As they continued their journey he entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. ~ Luke 10:38 NAB
The Welcoming Committee fosters community spirit at St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church and the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry by hosting welcoming activities for new parishioners and encouraging interaction among all parishioners and staff. A welcoming brunch for new members of the community is held each year on a Sunday in May.
Fill out our contact form by clicking below to get in touch with our Director of Volunteer Ministry.

“Yard Goats” Gardens Team
Then the Lord will guide you always and give you plenty even on the parched land. God will renew your strength, and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails. ~ Isaiah 58:11 NAB
The “Yard Goats” Gardens Team works every day of the summer, and many days of the spring and fall, to maintain the beauty of the gardens on the property of St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church. The team also cares for landscaped areas and buildings within the perimeter of the church property.
Fill out our contact form by clicking below to get in touch with our Director of Volunteer Ministry.