Through the breaking of the one bread the unity of the faithful is expressed and through communion they receive the Lord’s body and blood in the same way the apostles received them from Christ’s own hands. ~ General Instruction of the Roman Missal, § 48.3
Jesus said, “This is my body which will be given to you, do this as a memorial of me.” He did the same with the cup, he gave thanks and said,“Take this and share it among you.” (Luke 22) Now being nourished by the Eucharist meal only makes me realize that I must also nourish others with love.
a parishioner
When you can receive the Eucharist
Receive the Eucharist at two Masses each weekday: 7:30 am and 12:05 pm OR weekend Masses: Saturday at 4:00 pm, Sunday at 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:45 am, or 5:00 pm.
How to become a Eucharistic Minister
Adults who wish to distribute Communion, known as Eucharistic Ministers, are always welcome. Training is provided. Read more about how you can become a Eucharistic Minister.
Pastoral Care Outreach Ministry
Are you homebound and want to know about receiving the Eucharist from a visiting Eucharistic Minister (Pastoral Care Outreach Minster)?
Are you a Eucharistic Minister interested in bringing the gift of the Eucharist to those that cannot join us physically at church?
I realized the gift in the Eucharist. God’s body, broken. Broken for me. Broken for each one in our church, each with their own set of hurts and pain. I … knew that God was in my worry and anxiety – my brokenness was his in the Eucharist.
a parishioner
Coming to the Eucharistic Table for the first time
All are invited to the Eucharistic table once they have prepared to receive.
Adults prepare to receive the Eucharist for the first time in the Rites for Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program.
Children who are participating in religious education classes will prepare with the group each year.
First Communion is held each year for candidates who have been enrolled in Religious Education classes and participated in the Sacramental Preparation program.