Begin again with us
May the Lord give you peace.
Welcome to the website of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church and the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. I invite you to become acquainted with our website and the variety of ministries, programs, and opportunities described here for deepening your faith and sharing in the ministry of Christ.
As people of faith, we know that we always receive more than we give. In offering a sandwich at the door or serving as a minister of the Eucharist, we encounter the Lord. In holding the hand of a dying loved one or listening to the story of another person’s struggles, we touch the depth of God’s presence in a way that changes our lives forever. Ministry is reciprocal; every encounter is filled with grace!
I invite you to participate in the many opportunities that we offer for worship, ministry, and learning, and I pray always for your good.
Fr. Timothy J. Shreenan, O.F.M., Pastor of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church
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All are welcome
We invite anyone who wants to belong to SPSA as a parishioner, who shares their time and talent as a volunteer, who supports our mission, who live-streams our liturgies, who participates in our Zoom programs, who contributes financially, or who chooses to affiliate with our faith community to create your account and share your contact information with us so that we can stay connected.
We are grateful for all the ways that people choose to affiliate with us, and you are welcome here!
We invite you to begin the process of registering with us by requesting an account on Realm by clicking here:
Once you have requested an account, you will receive an email in your inbox within a few days entitled “Welcome to St. Patrick-St. Anthony on Realm!”, and you will be prompted to create your account and provide the information for your profile.
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St. Patrick – St. Anthony Parish and The Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry is a welcoming and dynamic community of Christian disciples. Rooted in the Franciscan experience of the Roman Catholic tradition, we proactively endeavor to extend hospitality both at the Eucharistic Table and as we minister reciprocally and in solidarity among the alienated and the poor, nurturing the mind, body, and spirit in the Greater Hartford Community.
Find your place at St. Patrick – St. Anthony
Come and pray, learn, grow, and share with us.

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