Becoming Catholic
Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church?
We invite you to consider exploring our parish’s RCIA program. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a gradual welcoming of adults into the Catholic Faith.
In our Catholic community, we warmly receive members of all ages, and try to provide appropriate spiritual formation to suit each person’s needs.
RCIA also provides a great opportunity for baptized Catholics who wish to complete their sacraments by preparing for Eucharist and Confirmation.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The rite of Christian initiation presented here is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully. ~ Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Introduction, § I

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process through which adults are fully incorporated into the faith of the Catholic Church.
The RCIA program welcomes non-baptized adults who want to be baptized in the Catholic Church; adults that have been baptized in another faith tradition who want to be received into the Catholic Church; and adult baptized Catholics, who have not yet received the sacraments of the Eucharist or Confirmation.
Candidates are welcomed into the church at the Easter Vigil.
For more information about joining RCIA, please contact Fr. Bill Beaudin, O.F.M. a
please contact Fr. Bill Beaudin, O.F.M. at 860-756-4034 or email him by clicking below
Initiation Sacraments for Older Children
This form of the rite of Christian initiation is intended for children not baptized as infants, who have attained the use of reason and are of catechetical age… The Christian initiation of these children requires both a conversion that is personal and somewhat developed, in proportion to their age, and the assistance of education they need. The process of initiation thus must be adapted to their spiritual progress, that is, to the children’s growth in faith, and to the catechetical instruction they receive. ~ Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, § 252-53
Children and young people (ages 8-18) who have not received one or all of the sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist — in the Catholic Church are invited to participate in our program specialized just for them.
The program is tailored for the specific needs of each young person and their family. Children will have the opportunity to build a peer faith community by taking part in faith formation classes, while also meeting in smaller groups for specific preparation for their Sacraments. Candidates receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil, or at another appropriate time.
Please contact Deb Pelletier, Religious Education Coordinator
for more information about preparing your older child (or entire family!) for their sacraments.