Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, our hands-on learning option for religious education at St. Patrick – St. Anthony is for children ages 3 through 6th grade. Below is the newsletter sent to parents of children in this program. We welcome interested families to contact Deb Pelletier, Religious Education Coordinator, to learn more.
This first month of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes has flown by!
Each class in their own developmental way is so excited to be back with children and preparing an environment that helps each child fall in love with Jesus, and continue to know him more and more.
Level 1, ages 3-6
Our newest children in Level 1 have been getting oriented to the atrium, the sacred space where the children gather. They have begun practicing choosing a work, how to make a procession, the Bible is God’s word and therefore is so special we carry it in a special way, learning special songs (maybe you have already heard “God is So Good”) and beginning to learn the names of the essential items at the altar.
Our returning level 1 children were anxious to dive back into work. They remember so many things from last year and are ready to “go deeper”. They are learning more about the items used at Mass, more about geography of the Land of Israel (when Jesus as a human being walked and taught on the earth), and meditating on the gestures of the Mass. These children have been such great role models for the newest younger children.

Level 2, grades 1-3
The level 2 atrium (1-3rd graders) have been “jumping right in”! The experienced children are helping the newer children learn how to lead communal prayer service, and all the children are involved with presentations about The History of the Kingdom of God and a lot of work is being done with the Bible.These children are learning the books of the Bible, how to find scripture in the Bible, ponder / meditate on scripture (what does it mean for us today) and how to proclaim scripture. The returning children also are returning to some of their favorites works to “go deeper” in their contemplation.
Level 3, grades 4-6
The level 3 atrium is busy! Works that examine each prayer of the Mass including learning which prayers are the Propers (those prayers that change each time Mass is said); The Plan of God – examining further The History of the Kingdom of God, and pondering what is my role in it.

We have also jumped right into Bible study which requires mastery of finding items in the Bible and reflecting on the Word of God. These children are making great connections and linking historical ancient history together with scripture and the Mass and Sacraments which is how Jesus remains with us in a very special way today; helping us to make decisions in our own lives together with God to help bring forth The Kingdom of God. As we did a bible study on Matthew 5:13-16 (Salt and Light of the Earth) a 4th grader spoke up and connected to the homily she had just heard at Mass – “this is saying just like Fr John just said at mass – we need to do good things for people – let our light shine!” – as a 5th grader added with excitement – “The light we received at our Baptism – Jesus’s Light within us!”
Finally, if you know of anyone that has a table lamp or floor lamp available for donation, we would love it to make the environment for the children more beautiful.
To learn more about this wonderful program you have chosen for your child, check out this video created by the CGS National Association on our website!
If you have any questions / concerns or want to observe in a session please don’t hesitate to let us know. You are always welcome!
Contact Deb Pelletier, Coordinator for Religious Ed
What are your faith formation questions?