Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, our hands-on learning option for religious education at St. Patrick – St. Anthony is for children ages 3 through 6th grade. Below is the newsletter sent to parents of children in this program. We welcome interested families to contact Deb Pelletier, Religious Education Coordinator, to learn more.
It is hard to believe that we are already progressing through the third week of Advent!
Level 1, ages 3-6
The level 1 children in the atrium had a procession during their first class in Advent to change the colors at the prayer table to purple (the color the church uses for preparation). The children are working with the infancy narratives. Now that they have been working with materials about the colors of the liturgical year and geography, in particular the land of Israel and the most important cities in Jesus’s Life – Nazareth, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem; the gospels about the time around when Jesus was born become very relevant.
Level 2, grades 1-3
The level 2 children – with their new found interest in God’s Plan and the History of Salvation recognize that Advent is a time of not only waiting / preparing to celebrate Jesus’s birth but also the additional meaning of waiting / preparing for Parousia – that time which God will be all in all.
The images from the prophecies of Valleys and Mountains (Isaiah 40:3-5) and the Peaceable Kingdom (Isaiah 11:6-9) are beloved by our level 2 children (1-3rd graders).
Level 3, grades 4-6
The level 3 atrium has also been very busy. Each session we have individual work time where the children are often working with partners or small groups, a whole group lesson, and prayer time together. Our Bible Study whole group lesson during Nov included a multi week study examining the two accounts of Creation and thinking about how they each give us new understanding of God’s extensive love for us. We then examined these texts in a typological fashion – looking for that “golden thread” running from the Old Testament linking to the New Testament and thinking ahead to what it will mean during Parousia – Thy Kingdom Come! During Advent we are doing in depth work with prophet studies.
Atrium Connections to Church
Everything we do, at all levels, help the children become more actively engaged with Liturgy.
Here are some concrete ideas to help with this connection:
Level 1 (Preschool – Kindergarten)
- Know that your child is welcome! Children who are exposed to the sights, sounds, and smells of being in church benefit the most from the atrium.
- Set reasonable developmentally appropriate expectations
- 3 yr olds can be expected to not leave the pew and speak in a quiet voice
- Sit where your child can see – they will be interested in finding the items they only see in the atrium as models and begin to recognize the gestures. Look for: altar, chalice, paten, candles, the lectionary, the crucifix.
- Bring simple quiet toys or books – maybe keep them in a separate “church bag.”
- Whispering in your child’s ear of what will come next helps them to look forward to the next piece of the Mass – “our next song is coming up really soon.” Especially point out simple prayer words (Alleluia, Amen, Thanks be to God, etc), when the Gospel will be carried, and when Eucharist will be elevated.
- Have your child look for what color the priest is wearing
- Look at the beautiful stained glass windows (top row, left side is all about Jesus’s young life)
Level 2 (Grade 1-3)
- Have your child get their own music program to follow along
- Accept that your child will need your help to focus on what is happening next.
- Sit where your child can see.
- Using the music program at home, look up the gospel reading in a Bible (your child in 2nd grade and up knows how to do that from the atrium)
- Model participation in the liturgy (singing, praying responses, going to communion etc)
- Have your child look for what color the priest is wearing and other changes due to the liturgical season.
- Look at the beautiful stained glass windows (top row, left side is all about Jesus’s young life)
Level 3 (Grade 4-6)
- Encourage your child to participate in liturgy as an Altar server, Choir member or Lector
- Share with your child after Mass if a particular song or prayer or reading struck you in a particular way – maybe they remember something to share with you!
- Using the music program at home, look up the gospel reading in a Bible (your child knows how to do that from the atrium)
- Model participation in the liturgy (singing, praying responses, going to communion etc)
To learn more about this wonderful program you have chosen for your child, check out this video created by the CGS National Association!
If you have any questions / concerns or want to observe in a session please don’t hesitate to let us know. You are always welcome!
Contact Deb Pelletier, Coordinator for Religious Ed
What are your faith formation questions?