A Sister Parish Reflection
On one trip to Haiti, Fr. Philippe, the then pastor at St. Genevieve Church, taught us this Créole blessing before a meal.
Manje sa a Ou voye ban nou, Papa, Manje ki bay lavi.
This food You have sent us, Father, is the food that gives life.

During one of the early visits to St. Genevieve Church, the travelers walked over to the cooks as they were cleaning up at the end of the day to thank them for all their hard work. One of the women replied that they were happy to work as hard as they did because, when we were there on a visit, they got to eat. That one comment gave us an insight into the problem of food insecurity in the community.
In the region of Zoranje, the main problem with food insecurity is malnutrition, not starvation. Many of the locals eat only what is in season. If it is the mango season, they eat mangoes. If it is the season for a different fruit or vegetable, they eat that fruit or vegetable. Meat or fish is a rarity for far too many people.
Because the students at the St. Genevieve parish school receive a hot lunch 5 days a week during the 10-month school year, their families are able to use their limited food supplies to give a bit more to the family members who do not attend the school. The benefits of the school lunch program extend well beyond the students in the school.
-Tom, Sister Parish Committee Member
“A little goes a long way” is a very true saying, for our Christmas in July effort. We offer some additional information to show how far contributions can go for the 413 meals.
- The protein for lunch is typically fish (often Herring) and takes $29/day.
- A vegetable, often peas, takes $42/day.
- The total cost for lunches for students in all grades equals $2705/month, or $125/day.
- Sometimes the pastor, Fr. Dominque, contributes to help ensure a nutritious meal.
- Can you help in any way?
Will you join us in supporting the children of St. Geneviève?
Read more about our Christmas in July event to help get ready to feed all the students at St. Genevieve’s School
It’s Christmas in July!
Can you join us to give ALL the children of St. Geneviève a nutritious lunch?