Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I am delighted to extend my congratulations to the St. Patrick-St. Anthony Ladies Guild as they celebrate their 85th anniversary this weekend. Members of the Guild will take part in the annual May Crowning ceremony at the 10:00 Mass, to be followed by a special luncheon in the Franciscan Center.
Back in May 1938, following a novena service to Saint Theresa, the Little Flower, four parishioners of St. Anthony Church—Bea DeLeo, Anna Guerrerio, Minnie Miano and Olive Pinto—met at Casa Maria, across from the Rectory. Conversation led to the organization, formation and first official meeting of The St. Anthony Church Ladies Guild. From those simple beginnings, the Guild flourished, as it organized fund-raising events for the parish and its school. The Ladies Guild also took on the task of making beautiful baptismal garments for infant baptisms, which they continue to do today.
The Ladies Guild also provides annual scholarships for students in our parish who attend a Catholic elementary, middle or high school.
Our Provincial Minister, Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., sent a congratulatory letter to thank the Ladies Guild for their 85 years of service to St. Patrick-St. Anthony parish which you can read by clicking here.
Also this weekend, 31 young members of our parish received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Cathedral of St. Joseph. They were joined by almost 200 other young people from around the Hartford Archdiocese and their families to celebrate the sacrament which makes them fully initiated members of the Catholic faith. We can be very proud of these young people who have taken this significant step in their commitment to Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and through the anointing they received, they are now fully equipped to witness their faith in Jesus Christ. Please join me in wishing them much joy in living their Christian vocation.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor