Since 2005, our parish community has been in a covenant relationship with St. Genevieve parish in Zoranje, Haiti. At their request, part of our relationship is providing a daily hot meal for all students at their parish school and assistance for teacher salaries. We are thankful for the recent support, during 2022 “Christmas in July,” to close a food funding gap, ensuring all students receive a meal, and giving a modest increase in teacher salaries.
Our 2022 Giving Tree reminds us of this relationship and our continuing commitment. This Advent we are requesting your assistance in reducing gaps in available instructional materials and tuition support. We understand that there is a lack of textbooks or only outdated textbooks, and no workbooks or shared workbooks. The estimated cost of a set of books and workbooks is estimated at the equivalent of $100 US per student. Tuition fees are equivalent to $30 US per student per year. Although a very modest by U.S. standards, it is often impossible expense for some families. No students, however, are turned away from the school if parents cannot afford tuition.
Can you, your family, and even extended family help to support teaching and learning in our Sister Parish school? We invite you to take an ornament from the Haiti Giving Tree; it contains a photo and information on donating and to hang on your tree.
Donations may be made online via our webpage or a check (made out to SPSA Church, with “Sister Parish-Giving Tree” in the memo) dropped in the collection basket or mailed to the office. MESI-THANK YOU!