We are grateful for you, for your participation in our community, and your sharing of yourself to help make our faith family welcoming and unique. We couldn’t be the community we are without your generosity in sharing of your time, talents, and treasure.
Monthly Second Collection
For the past few months, we have been taking special collections to help us cover some of our larger expenses. You can read more about this in Father Tim’s Pastor’s letter from January 22, 2023. So far, we have taken collections for heating the church during the winter, and liturgical music.
This month we are taking a “Nuts and Volts” collection to cover various emergency repairs that were not part of our annual budget, including the replacement of emergency lights in the Franciscan Center, two steam leaks in the church, problems with heating in the Friary, as well as A/C maintenance – all of which totaled nearly $14,000.
We appreciate your generosity in your financial support of our parish and its facilities.
Weekly Giving
You can request offertory envelopes to be delivered to your home every other month. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of these bi-monthly reminders to give back to St. Patrick-St. Anthony. Your packet includes envelopes for your weekly contributions, Holy Days, and Remembrance Flowers. Regular use of offertory envelopes makes for more accurate and efficient statements of contribution for tax purposes.
Email [email protected] to request offering envelopes.
If you prefer to give online, please contact the office at [email protected] to opt out of receiving envelopes in the mail.

Online giving
An increasing percentage of parishioners are using Online Giving for their weekly contributions and special gifts to support St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church & the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry.
- Online Giving provides an easy, convenient, and secure way for you to make financial contributions to support your parish by setting up the recurring transactions on your terms.
- It saves you the hassle of remembering your envelopes and your checkbook.
- It makes it easy to give if your circumstances require you to attend Mass online. You can still easily select and schedule your weekly donation.
- It makes it easy to keep up with your records as you can print your own Year End Giving Statements through your Online Giving Account.
Text to Give
- You can text an amount along with fund code to: (860) 615-7717, and your transaction will be processed through the Online Giving account associated with the phone number. Fund codes will be published in parish wide emails or the bulletin when applicable.
- If you do not have an online giving account, you will have the option to set one up OR you can give a one-time gift without creating an account.
Tired of forgetting your envelopes?
Set up your online giving account today!
Support the St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church when you shop on Amazon with the Amazon Smile program.
Financial Statements
Year End Giving Statement for 2024
We are grateful for you, for your participation…
Annual Appeal 2024
Four years ago I came to Hartford as…
Year End Giving Statement for 2023
We are grateful for you, for your participation…
September 2022 Financial Statements for St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church
The below financial reports are for your review.…
Continue Reading September 2022 Financial Statements for St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church