We are grateful for you, for your participation in our community, and your sharing of yourself to help make our faith family welcoming and unique.
We couldn’t be the community we are without your generosity in sharing of your time, talents, and treasure.
We are grateful for all of the gifts you have shared with us over the last year, and we want to make sure you have all appropriate tax documentation.
** Year End Giving Statements **
Year End Giving Statements will NOT be automatically mailed to all parishioners.
Your action is required in order to receive your statement!
1) For those who donate exclusively through online giving, you can download your own statement through Online Giving.
2) You can request your statement be emailed or mailed to you.
3) Call the office at 860-756-4034 to request your statement.
See below for everything you need to know.
Option 1: Download Your Statement
More parishioners are choosing to manage their giving through Online Giving.
Those with an Online Giving Account will be able to easily download their own Year End Giving Statement in their account.
1) Once you log in, go to “My Account” along the top menu
2) Open the “Tax Statements” Drop Down Field

3) Select the year you would like to download

Option 2: Request your statement to be sent to you
Prefer to receive your statement from our office? No problem!
Fill out the form below to request your Year End Giving Statement.
Option 3: Call the office to request your statement
Please give us a call at 860-756-4034.