SPSA Choirs Showcased in Upcoming Choral Festival Concert Albert Schweitzer Competition 2023 Concludes with Captivating Choral Festival Concert, Showcasing St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church …Continue Reading about SPSA Choirs Showcased in Upcoming Choral Festival Concert
The “Essence” of Our Faith is Service: The Confirmation Program at St. Patrick-St. Anthony by Margaret Price Confirmation is a big step in the faith journey of young adults. As the last sacrament of initiation, the …Continue Reading about The “Essence” of Our Faith is Service: The Confirmation Program at St. Patrick-St. Anthony
Adult Faith Formation Programs Fall / Advent 2023 Complete Program Descriptions Click for an at-a-glance schedule summary of all programs or for presenter and facilitator …Continue Reading about Adult Faith Formation Programs Fall / Advent 2023
September 9 / 10 Clothing Collection for Ukrainian and Haitian Youth Refugees September 9 and 10, 2023 New and gently used fall and winter clothing, gift cards, and additional items Can you imagine …Continue Reading about September 9 / 10 Clothing Collection for Ukrainian and Haitian Youth Refugees