An invitation to join us this Winter, Lent and Spring
January 2024
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Welcome to a New Year of Faith Formation opportunities! We have many different programs to offer you, your friends, and family members. We think you’ll be pleased with the diversity of our programming ~ both daytime and evening, weeknight and weekend ~ virtual or in-person ~ something for everyone! (click for an at-a-glance schedule summary)
Here at the beginning of 2024, I encourage you to select one program a month or a couple of offerings during the seasons of Lent and Easter and mark them on your calendar now. These gatherings or groups will help us to grow in our faith, to ask questions, and to open new doors of learning about our spirituality, our call/response to discipleship, and our relationship with God.
The listing and schedule are available through the Faith Formation link on our parish website, Also, in our weekly parish bulletin we highlight programs in a timely manner and encourage registration through our online REALM links included in the program description. Please feel free to pass along this link and information to friends, colleagues, and family members. We envision our Faith Formation offerings available on a regional level, open to anyone who is interested in the journey of faith. All are Welcome!
You will notice that with each program we list a “Suggested Offering.” This donation helps us to cover the costs associated with providing each program (stipend, material, food, etc.). We want our programs to be available to all and do not want the offering to limit who can attend. Therefore, we welcome any offering that you are able to make. If your current economic situation limits the amount you are able to afford, please attend and give what you can. Conversely, if you would like to make a donation greater than the suggested amount, please know that the funds will be used to support the faith formation opportunities that we offer.
The Adult Faith Formation Ministry works throughout the year planning each semester of programs and activities. Please feel free to pass along suggestions and ideas for their consideration. On their behalf, I thank you for supporting the ministry they faithfully provide and I look forward to seeing you at these functions in this New Year of 2024!
Patricia Curtis
Pastoral Associate
Saint Patrick-Saint Anthony Church
[email protected]
Convenient online link for your suggested offerings
Click below to give your offering online
(Note the program name in the Memo.)
Checks can also be made payable to St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church and mailed to
285 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103, Attn. Pat Curtis
Complete Program Descriptions
Click for an at-a-glance schedule summary of all programs
or for presenter and facilitator bios.
Drumming Circle
1st Monday of each month, in-person, in the church
6:30 – 7:30 pm
(2024 meeting days: February 5, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3)

Did you know that drumming is good for the spirit as well as the heart and mind! Please join us for an evening of African drumming rhythms once a month in the church. Anyone can learn to drum – no musical experience is needed. If you have a drum, please bring it with you. Let us know if you need a drum by calling the parish office, 860-756-4034. First-time participants, please arrive by 6:15 pm
Facilitator: Elaine Wiatr
Sponsored by the Women of Hope Ministry
Praying With Sacred Scripture
1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month
in the Franciscan Center
7:00 – 8:00 pm
*February 7 will be on Zoom – look for link in Monday’s parish wide email that week (sign-up for emails here)
(February 7 & 21, March 6 & 20, April 3 & 17, May 1 & 15, June 5 & 19)

Please consider joining us for “lectio divina” (divine reading.) It is a prayerful reading of a bible passage in order to discern its message for each of us today.
We have found that meeting in person gives the experience greater intimacy and impact. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do! The process is simple and will be explained each time, and sharing is welcome, but optional.
Co-facilitators: Sheila Denion and John Lemega
No registration is required.
Group Spiritual Reflection
Every Tuesday, on Zoom, 12:30-1:30 pm
Every Wednesday, in-person, 12:40-1:40 pm (starting February 14)

Our gathering will reflect upon the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday to guide us on our path of discipleship. As companions on the journey, we listen, reflect and share how the Word speaks to our hearts through the Spirit. There is no need to do any advance preparation for the session. Come as you are with an open heart.
Facilitators: Mary Espinosa, Joan Osella, and Elaine Wiatr
In Quiet Prayer
Every Wednesday, on Zoom, 7:30 to 8:00 am

“For many of us, life seems to be lived at a busy and frenetic pace, with little or perhaps no time to be quiet, to be still, or to be silent in a time and place of peacefulness, prayer, and reflection so that we can connect with our deepest selves and the God who lives there.” (Cora Evans).
Join us by Zoom Wednesday mornings for a half hour, from 7:30 to 8:00 am, to sit “in quiet” (Suzanne Nolan), in the presence of silence, to heal and restore in hope and joy, to ground and guide. We begin with a brief ritual of offering compassion for the needs of our world and ourselves. A reflection is shared. Sometimes it’s a reading for the upcoming weekend; sometimes it’s a contemporary prayer, followed by 20 minutes of silence for personal prayer and meditation.
Co-facilitators: Pat Curtis and Susan Lennon
People of Hope – “The Flowing Grace of Now”
Wednesdays from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm on Zoom

“To see requires a deeply contemplative spirit and an open heart. To see requires learning to live awake. When we begin to live awake, we will see teachers everywhere”, writes retreat guide and author Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr.
Using her book, The Flowing Grace of Now, we will ponder one essay per week from this year-long companion text that will usher us into the presence of spiritual teachers at work in our lives—inviting us to listen to these teachers, deepen our faith, and learn from their wisdom.
Please join our facilitator, Pat Curtis, each Wednesday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, to gather with others for weekly inspiration using experiences from our daily lives. Our goal is to keep hope alive and steadfast even as difficult personal and world events press upon us. This “People of Hope” gathering is available to you every Wednesday morning ~ attend when your schedule allows to receive the gifts of spiritual nourishment and growth. Join us!
Facilitator: Pat Curtis
Psalms: A Never-Ending Discovery
Thursdays starting February 15 – March 21 from 10:30 – 11:30 am
(February 15, 22, 29 & March 7, 14, 21)

One finishes the study of the psalms with a sense of inadequacy of not being enough. That is why the psalms continue to enrich and nurture long after a study has run its course. One is aware that the claims of the literature have not been exhausted. Life experiences enhanced by faith mature richly when they are interpreted through Torah obedience which deepens a relationship with God. Through a rich and steady reflection of the psalms, our appreciation and love for God grow blossoms.
Presenter: Fr. A. Francis Soucy, O.F.M.
“We Have Seen His Glory”: An Introduction to John’s Gospel
Mondays in Lent, on Zoom
7:00 to 8:00 pm
(February 19, 26 and March 4, 11, 18 & 25)

During Holy Week and throughout the Easter season, the Church for the most part puts aside the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, and focuses our attention on the Gospel according to St. John. He is our primary guide into the mystery of Christ’s saving death and resurrection during these most sacred days of the liturgical year. In this six-week course, we will do a close reading of John’s gospel, explore its theological perspective, survey its major themes, and study the literary and dramatic techniques that powerfully and effectively serve John’s purpose in writing his account: “so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name” [John 20:31].
Facilitator: Fr. Bill Beaudin, O.F.M.
Trust Your Grieving Heart
Sunday, March 24 11:15 am – 1:00 pm

Losses weave their way throughout our lives, influencing the next path we take. Grief is our built-in response to loss, our ally in traveling the confusing, painful and transformative Land of Loss. This program gently supports those with recent loss, offers a lens for long-ago losses and provides a template for the losses yet to be. Care will be offered around non-death losses, as well. Tangible ideas will be shared to help navigate through this time with key reminders about our path toward healing. Current bereavement teaching and spiritual wisdom are shared, affirming that grief is, indeed, a sacred journey.
Presenter: Lisa Irish, MEd, MA, BCC
Lisa’s two books and several CareNotes will be for sale at the program.
Suggested Offering: $10.00
Woman of Sorrow – Woman of Hope
Tuesdays, February 20 & 27 and March 5 following the 12:05 Mass

Our stunning stained-glass windows depict scenes from the life of Christ along with rich images of the saints. Set aside meditation time this Lent to contemplate the particular art and scripture which capture the story of Mary, the Mother of God, in her moments of surprise, invitation, expectation, joy, confusion, sorrow, and hope. Take this time to truly appreciate the glorious glasswork which surrounds our worship space while entering into a time of quiet and prayer.
Co-facilitators: Pat Curtis and LouAnn Warren
No registration is required.
Ignatian Contemplation:
Experiencing God Through Our Imagination in Prayer
Thursday, February 22, 6:30 to 7:30 pm in person

Plan to attend to learn:
– Imaginative Prayer in the Catholic Tradition
– What is the Ignatian practice of Imaginative Prayer (aka Ignatian Contemplation)
– How to enter into Gospel scenes through Imaginative Prayer (through guided meditation); and
– How to continue the practice of Ignatian Contemplation.
Please register below to let us know you plan to attend. If there is inclement weather, the gathering will switch over to a Zoom meeting. Be sure to register so that you receive notification and the link.
Presenter: Brenda McLaughlin
Clare Gallery Exhibit: “Leave No Trace”
January 11 through March 15, 2024
Clare Gallery’s first 2024 exhibition is Leave No Trace by Sariah Park. Park is an inter-disciplinary artist of European and Indigenous descent, and is an enrolled member of the Chiricahua Apache Nation. Issues of identity, culture, and the act of making in relation to the future of our climate are examined in her work. During her process, she asks important questions, such as:

- How does our identity inform what and how we make?
- How, what, and why do we consume?
- What are the effects of overconsumption on the environment?
- Is there beauty and transformation through pain, decay and loss?
This exhibition features work that repurposes textile stock, up-cycling, and new forms of printing with textile waste. Park states, “This work shows the transformation of material made immaterial, craft as a form of ceremony, and the transfer of energy and spirit into a living process, striving to become in balance with the natural world.”
The Gallery is hosting a closing reception on Thursday, March 14, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, during which the public will be invited to view the work and join the artist.
Lenten Twilight Retreat: “A Heart Renewed: Lent 2024”

Thursday, March 21; 6:30-8:00 pm
We are delighted to invite Fr. Ken back for an evening of presentation, inspiration, and reflection in this Lenten season.
Presenter: Fr. Ken Paulli, O.F.M.
“All Are Welcome” Day of Reflection
“Francis and the Language of Praise: Praying with the Saint of Assisi”
with Retreat Day Leader: Fr. Bill Beaudin, OFM
Saturday, April 13, 2024; 8:30 am – 4:30 pm at Mercy by the Sea Retreat Center

All men and women are invited to consider this Day of Reflection in the Easter Season to set aside time for one’s relationship with God. We will have the opportunity to learn more about the spirituality of St. Francis and enter into the spirit of his prayer in order to enrich our own life with God. Here’s a chance to step away for one day from the ordinary schedule of life and devote this time to your spiritual growth. And, if you have never experienced Mercy by the Sea in Madison CT before, please join us! Mercy by the Sea offers beautiful, simple, and peaceful spaces that enable reflection, open the heart to prayer, and facilitate opportunities for conversation.
Presenter: Fr. Bill Beaudin, O.F.M.
* REGISTER EARLY* to reserve a spot for you and a friend. Don’t miss this opportunity open to all!
Registration & payment deadline is April 1, 2024
Clare Gallery: Artist’s Earth Day Panel Discussion ~ “Watershed Journeys”
Monday, April 22, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Panelists: Artist, Diana Rogers; Environmental Photographer and Artist, Jeffrey Feldmann; Environmentalist and Editor and Publisher of Estuary Magazine, Richard H. Shriver. Moderated by Nancy Wynn.
Diana Rogers is a Connecticut Plein Air artist. She energetically captures the change of Nature by surrounding herself with it year-round. As she creates, she feels its power and presence. She believes Nature’s inherent rhythms connect to our own lives if we embrace its gifts. By using the Plein Air process, Rogers’ senses are affected and heightened by Nature’s influences. Her medium is pastels. Vibrant colors and dynamic mark-making combine to capture Nature’s movement and energy. With the subject matter of New England’s land, sky, and water ways, Rogers hopes to shed light on the beautiful places that need protection.
Insider’s Talk with Gabriel Löfvall
Tuesday, May 7; 5:30-7:45 pm

Join us in the Franciscan Center for a convivial dinner gathering, followed by an engaging talk delving into the historical and cultural tapestry that weaves together our parish’s seasonal music selections. This event promises a blend of camaraderie, intellectual stimulation, and insights into the wondrous feast of Corpus Christi (Body and Blood of Christ) and its musical interpretations, as our church’s choirs prepare to sing a concert on this theme.
Presenter: Dr. Gabriel Löfvall
Suggested Offering: $15.00, includes a light dinner
Registration deadline is May 3
Convenient online link for your suggested offerings
Click below to give your offering online
(Note the program name in the Memo.)
Checks can also be made payable to St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church and mailed to
285 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103, Attn. Pat Curtis
At-a-glance Summary of Adult Faith Formation Programs for Winter / Lent and Spring 2024
Presenter and Facilitator Biographical Information
Fr. Bill Beaudin, OFM is a Parochial Vicar for the parish and the Guardian for the friary.
Patricia Curtis joined the Pastoral Staff in December, 2001. Pat’s responsibilities include collaborating with the Women of Hope Ministry, Baptism Preparation Team, Clare Gallery Ministry, Adult Faith Formation Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Hospitality Ministries. Prior to relocating back to Connecticut, Pat lived and worked in Rochester, NY as a Pastoral Associate for 12 years in the Diocese of Rochester. Pat has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from Boston College.
Sheila Denion is a longtime parishioner who has facilitated the Lectio Divina group for over 12 years. In 2023, she graduated from the New England Catholic Biblical School, a 4-year program encompassing every book of the bible. She lives at Seabury in Bloomfield with her husband, Tom Eysmans.
Mary Espinosa is a trained spiritual director who has been accompanying seekers for over thirty years. She holds a master’s degree in Religious Studies and continues her interest in spirituality and scripture by studying the New Testament in the original language. She has lived in South America and here in the Archdiocese has worked in pastoral music and social justice.
Lisa Irish, MEd, MA, BCC brings hospital chaplaincy experience, spiritual direction, retreat leadership and a life of prayer to a creative understanding of grief. She is the author of inspirational publications and regular “Glimmers” on her blog at In her new book, Grieving – the Sacred Art: Hope in the Land of Loss, Fr. Richard Rohr’s endorsement says, “…The roadmap is wise, but sensitive – grounded in hope – and reminds us to rest in God’s healing love.”
John Lemega has been involved with Lectio Divina, as a participant and facilitator, for 17 years. He is a former steward of the Servant Leadership School and maintains a spiritual direction practice, having completed the internship program at the Spiritual Life Center. He and his wife, Joyce, have been parishioners for over 30 years. John presently serves on the Finance Council.
Susan Lennon became a parishioner at St. Patrick-St. Anthony in 1998 when she and her husband moved from Hartford’s West End from Hartford’s South End. She joined Pat Curtis in co-leading the Wednesday morning Quiet Prayer in 2023. She is a member of the Sandwich Ministry and No Freeze Shelter teams, and also volunteers with House of Bread. She has a bachelor degree in sociology from the University of San Diego and a Master’s in Public and Private Management from Yale University.
Dr. Gabriel Löfvall, DMA is the Director of Music Ministry at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church. Gabriel grew up listening to the sounds of the tango in his native Argentina, and is at ease conducting, playing the keyboards, or singing tenor. From a very young age Gabriel sang with the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Boys’ Choir in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, where he also studied piano. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Music from the same university. Gabriel moved to the US in 1997. Gabriel has earned his Master of Music in Piano Performance, a Master’s Degree in Choral Conducting as well as his D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts degree) in choral conducting in 2016 from the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford.
Brenda McLaughlin’s professional experience includes teaching in public elementary schools and at the university level. Brenda holds a M.A. in Theology and Ministry (Boston College) and is a trained spiritual director (Franciscan Spiritual Direction Certification Program). She also holds a Certificate in Advanced Biblical Studies (The New England Catholic Biblical School).
Joan Osella has served as a Lector for daily and weekend Masses for over twenty years, affording her the opportunity to share the Word in a meaningful and personal way. Joan and her husband were leaders of a House of Bread Team for fourteen years. Through participation in Spiritual Reflection, Joan has become aware that there are many ways to grow in love and understanding of one another and of our God.
Fr. Kenneth P. Paulli, OFM, EdD is a Franciscan priest of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a Professor of Education at Siena College, Loudonville, NY. Born and raised in Westchester County, NY, he graduated from Siena in 1982 with a B.S. in Marketing/Management. Upon his college graduation, Fr. Ken taught high school and subsequently entered the Franciscan Order. After graduating from the Washington Theological Union in May 1990 with an M.A. in Theology, Fr. Ken was ordained to the priesthood in September of that same year. After serving as a parochial vicar in two parishes, Fr. Ken enrolled in Columbia University’s Religion & Education doctoral program. Columbia awarded him a doctorate in May 1999.
Fr. Ken is a member of the First Year Seminar Faculty and an Associate Professor of Education. His book, “Outside the Walls: Encountering God in the Unfamiliar,” was published in 2018. In addition to teaching, research, and writing, Fr. Ken has given numerous parish missions and retreats.
Fr. A. Francis Soucy, O.F.M. taught English literature and linguistics for fifteen years in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, during which time he also chaired the Medieval Colloquium of the Lehigh Valley. In 1986 he entered new waters. Fr. Francis established a nursing home in New Jersey for infirm Franciscan Friars where he served as the licensed administrator for 26 years. Currently, he is a Senior Associate Friar of Holy Name Province ministering at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church.
LouAnn Warren served for thirty-three years as a director of religious education for the Archdiocese of Hartford. In her role she was the representative for Sadler Religious Education Materials. LouAnn holds a B.S. in Education and Masters in Religious Education from Fordham University.
Elaine Wiatr has been a member of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish since 1999. Elaine is a member of the Prayer Shawl and Women of Hope Ministries. She is a Lector, leads the Bread Warriors ministry and coordinates the Servant Leadership Program. She earned her Master of Arts in Servant Leadership from Viterbo University in 2009 and is a 2010 graduate of the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary where she was introduced to African drumming. She leads our monthly Drumming Circle as well. Elaine is an Associate of the Sisters of Mercy and is passionate about Social Justice for the Palestinian people in The Holy Land.