From Father Tim’s Pastor’s Letter on June 30, 2024:
“God, what do you want me to do with my life?” Do you find this question crossing your mind or lingering in your heart periodically? Well, you’re in good company! As baptized believers trying to follow the Gospel and live the Christian life in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and communities, we are invited to discern the answers to this question in an ongoing way.
Yes, “answers!” All of us can contemplate this question multiple times throughout our journeys of faith. And it is the question which underpins the broad definition of “vocations” that we are invited to explore. The word “vocation” can engage all individuals as we assess and determine our respective paths in life with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
What is your understanding of vocation? It is how God calls you to serve the world. God calls you through Baptism and Confirmation to serve in a specific way of life. A “vocational” call is a strong feeling that you are especially suited to fulfill a particular role. It fills you with a higher purpose typically related to helping others or contributing to a greater societal good.
A vocation is a purpose or a passion that gives meaning to one’s life. And, if a person’s occupation aligns with their vocation, they are likely to find fulfillment, satisfaction, and purpose in their work.
As a faith community, we have the opportunity, as well as the responsibility, to support one another as we discern our “vocations.” We should encourage and accompany each other through these times of thoughtful, prayerful discernment.
Our Parish Vocations Awareness Committee has designed informational and inspirational opportunities to explore the broad definition of vocations. We invite you to read below for stories from a variety of women and men who explore the question: “How is my vocation revealing itself in my life?”
Vocations Reflections

Prayer for Vocations
Heavenly Father, you have created us for a definite purpose. Grant us the grace to know the path you have planned for each of us in this life, and to respond with a generous ‘Yes.’ Make our parish, our homes and our hearts fruitful ground for your gift of vocations. May we respond to your call with courage and zeal. Stir among us a desire and the strength to live good and holy lives in service to others. We make our prayer to you, Father, in the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord. Amen.