Through our 20-year relationship with our Sister Parish of St. Genevieve, SPSA has been blessed to build friendships with the pastors, teachers and parishioners, and learn more about their personal, parish and school lives. The generosity and hard work of parishioners, friars and staff has enabled this successful covenant.
At present, our donations provide:
- Education for over 200 students in Pre-school through Grade 9;
- 19 Teacher salaries for 12 months/year;
- 5 Staff salaries (cooks and admin personnel;)
- Food and fuel for school lunches;
- School supplies;
- Repair desks & chairs;
- Food for several impoverished elderly, from Pastor Gaby.
Our donations and their disbursement remain secure, through our long-standing association with an established international financial institution, with offices in Haiti and the USA. If you would like more information, please see a member of the Sister Parish committee.
In the future, we
- Will consider providing some basic health supplies, since we are in discussions now with Pastor Gaby about this need at St. Genevieve;
- Potentially revive of our yearly celebration, the “Taste of Haiti” with food, fun and fellowship;
- Publish periodic updates in the bulletin and on-line;
- Renew our covenant with SPSA’s continued love, prayers and financial contributions.
Everyone is invited to “listen-in” to one of our monthly Sister Parish Zoom meetings; a link will be provided in our next message.
Mesi! – Thank You!
Richard Kisiel & Patti Wawzyniecki, Christmas in July Co-Chairs
How to Donate to Christmas in July
By check to St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church: at Mass or by mail, please note “Christmas in July” on the memo line
Online by clicking the button below