Sincere gratitude for your generosity and commitment to our Sister Parish, St. Genevieve, during our Christmas in July outreach. Our visible symbols of support, the tree & photo ornaments, are gone until next July, but our prayers and assistance continue year-round as we remain faithful to our covenant.
Your outpouring of support also sustains us, the Sister Parish Committee volunteers. And, we are honored to share your continued solidarity with our Haitian sisters, brothers and their pastor, Fr. Gaby Noel. In-turn, they pass on their sincere gratitude for the help we provide their village and continue to remember us in their prayers.

We all wonder at times, are we making a difference in Haiti? We answer YES.
– School has reopened for summer classes, and fall planning is underway
– Parents have confidence that their children can attend school for a better future
– The ninth grade students recently passed their national exams
– Teachers have salary increases and a dependable income
– Students have individual instructional materials
– Fr. Noel is able to have a small emergency fund to help the most desperate
– Maybe most important…we are a visible sign of God’s love and presence for them, and a symbol of HOPE.
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”
Mother Teresa
We will continue to accept contributions though August. Donations can be made one of the following ways:
How to Donate to Christmas in July
By check to St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church: at Mass or by mail, please note “Christmas in July” on the memo line
Online by clicking the button below