Teen Faith Formation at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church meets twice a month on Sundays with Catholic middle and high school students, Grades 7 through 10. When we meet, the students participate in numerous service projects that benefit our parish and the larger community. In the classroom, we draw connections and engage in discussion about those volunteer experiences to help the students gain a better understanding of Catholic teaching, liturgy, and social justice. Guest speakers are invited to discuss appropriate topics.

Why Focus 4:12?
The new name is based upon St. Paul’s words to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12
Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.”
Teens are not too young to make a difference for Christ! Their words, their actions, their hearts, and their minds are powerful tools of influence, especially among their impressionable adolescent peers. We want our teen parishioners to learn how to follow Jesus and how to honor God by leading others by example in goodness, in service, in faith, and in love. When we focus on 4:12, we focus on Paul’s reminder that God can work through the young now, and not just when they grow up.
Our younger teens, in Grades 7 and 8, are provided with monthly opportunities to serve within the parish community. Students will help coordinate and operate children’s activities at our Parish Brunch, and they are instrumental in running the Advent Wreath Workshop for the entire parish.
As they continue through the program, students will have the opportunity to look beyond our parish and participate in several communal ministries. SPSA’s partnerships with organizations such as Levo International and House of Bread provide where our 9th and 10th grade students serve monthly. Participating routinely in these service ministries allows our teens to build the foundations for a life of service to others.

The Teen Program incorporates a two year Confirmation preparation program for 9th and 10th Graders. Once a month candidates participate in preparation classes and have an opportunity to participate in one or more of the aforementioned communal ministries.
Confirmation at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish is held each year for high school students, usually near the end of Tenth Grade, who have completed the two-year Confirmation program.

Check out our new teen space!