Baptism, the door to life and to the kingdom of God, is… the sacrament of that faith by which, enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we respond to the Gospel of Christ. ~ Christian Initiation, General Introduction, § 3
Baptism is the first of the sacraments of initiation into the Catholic church, where we receive the Holy Spirit, and are marked with the sign of the cross as belonging to God and the community of believers throughout all times.
In the waters of baptism, we are reborn into the Body of Christ, we receive God’s word on our heart. We are invited to share in the light of the risen Christ, the eternal light that came into the world and that defeated death for us. “It is no longer I who live, it is Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20)
Baptism is when your church family officially welcomes you into the world. You’re a new gift that’s being brought to them and they’re going to love you and teach you and take care of you. You receive the light of Christ. On my baptismal anniversary, my godparents celebrate with a card and a little gift. This past October 10th, I got to lector at a baptism, which was on my baptismal anniversary. It felt special to be able to share the day with another member of our community.
a 6th grade student parishioner
Baptism for Infants
Baptism of infants and young children may be celebrated during Sunday Mass outside of the seasons of Advent and Lent; other arrangements for Baptism are possible. A Baptism preparation session offers the child’s parents or guardians an opportunity to deepen their own understanding of the sacrament and consider their role as parents or guardians in light of their Christian faith.
Contact us about scheduling a baptism!
Contact Pat Curtis, Pastoral Associate at 860-756-4034 or email below
Baptism for Children Ages 7 and up
Our preparation program is tailored for the specific needs of each young person and their family. Children will have the opportunity to build a peer faith community by taking part in faith formation classes, while also meeting in smaller groups for specific preparation for their Sacraments. Candidates receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil, or at another appropriate time.
Read more about preparation for Sacraments of your older child here.
Baptism for Adults
The RCIA program welcomes non-baptized adults who want to be baptized in the Catholic Church; adults that have been baptized in another faith tradition who want to be received into the Catholic Church; and adult baptized Catholics, who have not yet received the sacraments of the Eucharist or Confirmation.
Read more about preparation for Sacraments of your adults here.
Baptism Preparation Team
Baptism preparation sessions are led by a team of volunteers who coordinate together to plan and facilitate the sessions for families.