Realm is a cloud database software that we use to stay connected with you, our community. As a part of our faith community, you have the chance to make sure your information is up to date using your computer or smart phone so that we can all stay connected.
About our Faith Community
Our faith community of St. Patrick – St. Anthony is blessed abundantly by the thousands of people who connect with us each month. From weekly Mass attendance to volunteering or being involved with adult or youth faith formation, people choose to belong here from over 126 zip codes. Most recently, we have developed a virtual following who participate faithfully through live-stream and Zoom.
All of this makes for a thriving community in the heart ❤️ of Hartford.

We are most grateful for all the variety of ways which people “belong” to SPSA!
How do we stay connected?
Our Parish Database: Realm
Essential to the vibrancy of our community life is communication. One goal in this new year is to maintain our level of communication with all who connect with the services and mission of the Church and Franciscan Center.
We recognize there are a variety of reasons why individual’s names are in our database and we want to retain all of our connections. At the heart of staying connected is ensuring we have accurate information in our REALM database.

All are welcome in our Realm Database
As we work toward updating our database, we invite anyone who belongs to SPSA as a parishioner, who shares their time and talent as a volunteer, who supports our mission, who live-streams our liturgies, who participates in our Zoom programs, who contributes financially, or who chooses to affiliate with our faith community to update your contact information so that we can keep the connection.
If you are a long time parishioner, friend or affiliate of St. Patrick – St. Anthony and the Franciscan Center
You are already in our database, but we want to make sure your information is up to date.
The week of March 5, 2023, you will receive an email from us entitled “Join us! St. Patrick – St. Anthony on Realm”. This email will give you a link to create your account so that you can verify and update your information.
Some of the information is likely outdated, so we will need to capture any new addresses, cell phone numbers, and email addresses while deleting outdated information from your profile.
If there is a member of your household not listed in REALM, we can add them in! Or, if members are listed in your household that are now out on their own, we’ll encourage them to join as individuals themselves.
If you are new to St. Patrick – St. Anthony
We invite you to begin the process of registering with us by requesting an account on Realm by clicking here: https://onrealm.org/StPatrickandStA/Account/Start
Once you have requested an account, you will receive an email in your inbox within a few days entitled “Welcome to St. Patrick-St. Anthony on Realm!”, and you will be prompted to create your account and provide the information for your profile.
The details of our Connection Campaign
Our processing for updating this information will have three phases:

Those who would already be in our database will receive an email the week of March 5, 2023. This email will give you a link to create your account and you will be able to verify your information in your Realm profile.

At our Community Sundays on March 12 and April 16, 2023, computer-savvy volunteers will assist anyone who needs help updating their information.

We will continue to assist getting records updated electronically, and for those who need to update their information via paper, we will mail the information that is currently in your database record and you’ll be able to mail back any updates.
Thank you for helping us help you continue to stay connected to our beloved SPSA community!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Realm and why do we use it?
Realm is our parish cloud-based database that we use to stay connected. We use Realm for registration for programs, to organize ministries, and to be able to stay in touch with all who affiliate with us.
What technology do I need to start using Realm?
You can access REALM through any internet connected device, including your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
How do I get started using Realm?
For NEW friends: If you are NEW to St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church, you can go to REALM’s website to create your new account and register with us. Follow these instructions for creating your account.
For our long time friends: You will be receiving an email in your inbox prompting you to create your account, which will connect you with your profile in our REALM database for you to update. Search for subject line: “Welcome to St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church on Realm”
Prefer to use your smartphone for Realm?
REALM has an app you can download for free on your smartphone or tablet called “Realm Connect – for our Church” by ACS Technologies.

Who can view my information on REALM?
Realm is a private, password protected database system for members of our church and community only.
You can choose your privacy settings.
“Users with permission” indicates Parish Staff.

Can I make changes to my contact information?
Yes, once you have created your account, you can updated your personal information at any time to make sure we can stay connected.
Should I upload a photo into my profile?
Yes, please! With a community as large as ours, it is helpful to connect names and faces. Headshots are best!
Should my adult children remain in my household?
This is a great moment to encourage your adult children to create their own profile in Realm so that they can remain connected with us in their adult life.
Who can I contact with questions?
Start with contacting the church office. You can send an email to [email protected], or call us at 860-756-4034. We have some tech savvy volunteers on stand by to help you as well as parish staff.