Twice a month, prayer shawl members meet for conversation, prayer, and for making beautiful creations to lift others up in a time of need. Even throughout the pandemic, groups of knitters worked together to share God’s love through their craft of knitting and crochet.
While doing my shawl I am always mindful of how this may wrap someone in a caring embrace. In 2009 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was blessed to have received 4 prayer shawls from family and friends of different faiths. It was the gesture of knowing someone cared enough to make these beautiful shawls for me and to let me know they and many others were with me on this journey. I am hopeful that my shawls provide this same comfort to someone in need.
– Paula, Prayer Shawl Ministry Member
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry completed enough prayer squares… small squares, either knitted or crocheted, infused with prayers for the recipients… to make a significant donation of Squares to Hartford Hospital for both health care workers who persevered through the pandemic, and to chaplains for patients.
“I was just thinking of your Prayer Shawl Team and so grateful for your ministry. A critically ill patient’s Mother commented on how comforted she was to receive a Prayer Square from our Hartford Hospital Chaplain.
I has been so rewarding to distribute over 2,000 “prayer squares” to our amazing nurses. The prayer squares have been so well received by our resilient, yet sometimes weary caregivers. Some nurses carry their prayer square in their uniform pocket, hang it in their locker, others inform me that after a while they passed it along to a patient or their own family member to offer support and caring in a time of need.
It was a great honor to distribute the 90 prayer squares (made with love) by our parishioner and prayer shawl ministry member Betty to her grandaughter’s colleagues in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, who was unaware that her Grandmother had made the prayer squares but was not surprised, as Betty had been praying for Caroline and her co-workers.”
-BethAnn, parishioner and nurse leader at Hartford Hospital
Have you ever wanted to give knitting or crochet a try? Drop in for one of our upcoming meetings and join us!
Check out our fall schedule
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