Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Today we begin the season of autumn, and I hope you’ve been enjoying the great weather we’ve had during the final weeks of summer.
As we change from one season to another, I feel that this is a good time to speak a little bit about our parish finances. Very shortly, all registered parishioners will receive a letter from me inviting you to participate in our Parish Annual Appeal. I understand that an appeal was held on a yearly basis prior to my arrival in 2020, and I would like to resurrect that custom. In a private interview with Archbishop Coyne almost a year ago, he recommended that we reinstate an annual appeal.
Although we try to operate on a balanced budget, very often we face unexpected repairs that can cost quite a bit of money. Fortunately, in the past year we have been able to find the funds to pay such expenses. But we would like to be able to fund various capital projects through an annual appeal, such as IT and alarm system upgrades. I would also like to undertake a few “beautification” projects in the church as we begin to look forward to our bicentennial in 2029.
I am grateful for the work and dedication of our parish’s Finance Council who are a source of knowledge and experience for me. They include Andrew Pace, Marianne Midura, Carl Zyskowski, Rod Pelletier, Jill O’Toole, Norma Eccellente and Bernard Forand. Ex-officio members are Kristina DiDominzio, our business manager, and Barbara Theurkauf and Marc Sherer, our parish lay trustees.
Please remember that you can always go to our website to view the latest financial statements of the parish. Just go to
I pray that our Parish Annual Appeal will be an opportunity for us to come together in support of this caring and compassionate parish.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.