Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I won’t be in Hartford this weekend as I plan to be in Buffalo to attend the funeral service of my brother-in-law, John F. Kuebler, who died back in July after a lengthy illness. Please keep my sister, Mary Beth, and the Kuebler family in your prayers – I’m sure they will appreciate your support.
On Monday, August 28, I went to Boston with Marc Sherer, the chairperson of our Sister Parish Committee, to meet with Fr. Gaby Noel, the Pastor of Saint Geneviève Parish in Zoranje. Fr. Gaby has been spending a few weeks in the United States visiting family members, and he was able to go to St. Anthony Shrine in Boston for an opportunity to meet with us. Fr. Cidouane Joseph served as our interpreter.
We met for about two hours and discussed many of the issues with which the people of Haiti are currently struggling. Fr. Gaby described the dangers that gangs have imposed upon the populace, mostly in the area around Port-au-Prince where Zoranje is located. Everybody knows that it will take a lot of time and will power to establish any kind of civil order in the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. However, we must remain hopeful that a solution will eventually be found. Below is a photo of the four of us taken at the conclusion of our discussion.

Please join me in wishing our hard-working Administrative Assistant, Carolyn Abramo, a happy and well-deserved vacation in Italy for the next several weeks. Nobody deserves it more than she does!
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor
The special monthly collection for September will be taken to defray our summer utility costs. To give now, please click below. Thank you for your generosity.