Dear Parishioners and Friends,

From Monday to Wednesday of this week, Fr. John and I will be in Groton participating in the annual Priests’ Convocation of the Archdiocese of Hartford. This is an opportunity for the archdiocese’s priests to gather with the archbishop to pray, hear some presentations on various theological or pastoral topics, and enjoy one another’s company.
A few weeks ago, our parishioner Lynn Discenza had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Rome and meet Pope Francis along with three other Catholic transgender women from the United States. The National Catholic Reporter published a lengthy article about how the four women got to know Fr. Andrea Conocchia, who ministers to transgender sex workers in a parish outside of Rome, and who regularly brings them to the Vatican to meet the pope. Lynn was invited to join the group during the LGBTQ+ Outreach 2024 conference at Georgetown University back in August.
On the photo you can see from the NCR website, linked below, you can see Lynn giving the book Our Place at the Table to Pope Francis. The book is a collection of stories by members of the St. Patrick-St. Anthony LGBTQ+ ministries, Open Hearts and Friends & Family.
The four trans women wrote a letter to Pope Francis prior to their meeting with him on September 18th. For her part, Lynn wrote: “It is my belief that God created me just as I am and God’s will for me is to be my authentic self, to live out the call to be the best version of myself. Not to hide myself, my gifts under a bushel basket. But to instead witness to others, especially to Catholics, that as a transgender woman, I am created in the image of God and loved by God for who God made me to be.”
Please join me in thanking Lynn for her presence among us at St. Patrick-St. Anthony, as well as all our LGBTQ+ brothers, sisters and allies who enrich our parish with their gifts of faith and perseverance. I invite you to read the NCR article by going to
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.