Dear Parishioners and Friends,
She’s back! After more than a year, the painting of the Blessed Mother in our Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels has been restored and returned to its place on the east wall. You might recall that I had written about the unfortunate fall the painting took in October of last year. Sometime during the night, the wire on the back of the frame came loose, and the painting – in its heavy, ornate frame – fell to the floor, setting off the alarm system. The painting itself was not badly damaged, but the frame was, requiring professional repair and restoration.

Eventually we located Vladimir Dumansky, a native of Ukraine, who operates a studio in Bloomfield where he restores art works, mainly paintings. Our painting was delivered to him in December 2022, and after a long wait, it was returned on October 17th. I am grateful to our parishioners, Steve Balkun and Michael Boone, who worked to rehang the painting – very securely! – in its usual location.
I am also very grateful to Jacqueline (Jackie) Wilson and her family for their generous gift which enabled us to restore the painting. I met Jackie back in May and I talked with her about what happened to the painting, and she responded with a gift that covered the cost of the restoration. Sadly, Jackie died a few months later, so she will not be able to see the fruit of her generosity.
Our painting is a very fine copy of Bartolomé Estaban Murillo’s “Immaculate Conception of El Escorial” which is now in the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain. Painted between 1660 and 1665, it was purchased by Charles III in Seville. It was then part of the collection of Charles IV, after which it was listed among his collections in the Casita del Príncipe in the Escorial, the monastery and royal residence outside Madrid. I would be very interested in knowing how this particular piece came to St. Patrick-St. Anthony. If anyone has any knowledge of when it was acquired, please let me know!
This coming week we will celebrate All Saints Day on Wednesday, November 1st, with Masses at 7:30 AM and 12:05 PM. On Thursday, November 2nd, we observe All Souls Day. In addition to our regular Masses, we will celebrate our annual Mass of Remembrance at 7:00 PM for parishioners or family members of parishioners who died during the past year. This Mass has become a treasured part of the life of our parish, and this year the Requiem of Maurice Duruflé will be sung by our choirs under the direction of Dr. Gabriel Löfvall, with Dr. Ezequiel Menendez accompanying on the organ. Afterwards, everyone is invited into the friary gardens to walk among the memorial lanterns as well as to enjoy some light refreshments in the Friary Meeting Room.
Several parishioners have asked me about how we can respond to the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas. We are working to integrate prayer, education and dialog as a way for all of us to understand the current the situation, and how each of us might be able to contribute to a more peaceful world. So stay tuned!
Please continue to send your photos for our Parish Christmas Tree. I think the photo ornaments will be the highlight of our Christmas decor! Email your digital file to [email protected] and please include the names of the individuals in the photo. We can also scan a print photo if you prefer.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor
Win Two Tickets to See Andrea Bocelli in Concert! A raffle drawing will be held on Sunday, November 12, for two tickets to the Andrea Bocelli concert in the XL Center on Saturday, December 9, at 7:30 PM. The prize also includes dinner for two at Salute on Trumbull Street and free parking. Raffle tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the door of the church after weekend Masses, in the parish office, or on our website. Proceeds benefit St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church.