Dear Parishioners and Friends,
A front-page article in the October 30 issue of the Hartford Courant featured an extensive interview with Coadjutor Archbishop Christopher Coyne and what he plans to be his primary focus when he succeeds Archbishop Blair next April.
“My main thrust is going to be just to be a missionary,” he told his interviewer. Archbishop Coyne feels that, with many Catholics having fallen away from the Church, he hopes to open the door of welcome to those who have stopped coming – for various reasons.
Part of it, he admits, was the sexual abuse scandal, of which he was the spokesperson in the Archdiocese of Boston under the late Cardinal Law. But the pandemic also took its toll, as we all know. Church teachings and policies have also had a negative impact on many Catholics.
As the article said: “Coyne believes the answer is to be welcoming, to meet people where they are. That’s the secret to the mega-churches’ success, he believes.
‘To try and encourage people to join and be part of a beautiful community like we have is difficult, especially because they feel like they have to pass a test before they can become part of the church too,’ Coyne said. ‘I simple say, let’s just start with where a person is now when they walk through the door.’
That includes LGBTQ people, Coyne said. ‘When I left the cathedral parish in Burlington to come here, there were a large number of gay and lesbian men and women, families that were there, folks who felt welcomed, encouraged… You’re not perfect, like I’m not perfect… but we walk together, we encourage each other, we find our way.’”
I found the Archbishop’s words to be very supportive and positive towards a community that has struggled to find acceptance in the Church, but has flourished here at St. Patrick-St. Anthony, thanks to the welcoming atmosphere that was established here over thirty years ago. In addition, ministries such as Open Hearts and Friends and Family have helped many people to find a home here.
I am particularly grateful to Rich Broggini for the presentations he has been making to the parents of children in our religious education program, as well as to the parish in general as he did on Tuesday evening, October 24th. As a middle school teacher, as well as the father of an adult son who is gay, Rich has a wealth of knowledge of the issues involved in being Catholic and gay. He is a wonderful role model of a parent who has had to find answers to difficult questions, and is more than willing to share his experience with those who want to know more. So, I thank him and Tim Curran who serve as the coordinators of our Friends and Family ministry.
In a few weeks, at the 5:00 PM Mass on Sunday, November 19th, we will observe the International Transgender Day of Remembrance for transgender persons who have died as victims of transphobic violence during the past year. This annual event, sponsored by our Open Hearts LGBTQ+ Ministry, is our way of showing our support as a community that welcomes everyone.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor
P.S. Again, I invite you to send me your photo for our Parish Christmas Tree. I have received over 30 photos so far, and I hope to receive many more! Email your hi-res digital file to [email protected] and please include the names of the individuals in the photo. If you prefer, just send a photo and we will scan it.
Win Two Tickets to See Andrea Bocelli in Concert! A raffle drawing will be held on Sunday, November 12, for two tickets to the Andrea Bocelli concert in the XL Center on Saturday, December 9, at 7:30 PM. The prize also includes dinner for two at Salute on Trumbull Street and free parking. Raffle tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the door of the church after weekend Masses, in the parish office, or on our website. Proceeds benefit St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church.