Dear Parishioners and Friends,
“Blessed be God who calls you by name, holy and chosen one.” This is a refrain we sing at the conclusion of every baptism we celebrate here at St. Patrick-St. Anthony. Two weeks from now, during the weekend of June 8-9, we will be taking part in an archdiocesan-wide project known as “Called By Name.”

The idea is simple: you will be invited to suggest names of young people who you think might have a vocation to the priesthood or religious life as sisters or brothers. The people whose names are submitted will receive a letter from Archbishop Coyne, congratulating them on living Christian life well and inviting them to begin formally discerning their vocation through the Vocations Office of the Archdiocese. Younger children who are nominated will not receive a letter. Instead, they will be prayed for in a special way by the 1,300+ members of the Saint Jean Vianney Vocations Prayer Society. Letters for nominated high-school aged students will be sent to their parents.
It has been said that more young people would consider a vocation to the priesthood or religious life if only they were asked. This will be a good way to test that theory! I have seen some of our young people who would make fine candidates to the priesthood or religious life. Perhaps they will consider it if they are called by name.
The most important point to keep in mind, especially when talking about vocations to the priesthood, is that we cannot have the Eucharist without priests. As we prepare to spend next weekend reflecting on the power of the Eucharist in our Catholic lives, let’s also try to play our part in fostering more vocations to the priesthood.
Last weekend’s celebration of Pentecost showed me once again the vibrancy and vitality of this parish community. At the 10:00 Mass we celebrated a baptism and a first Communion. The community’s response to the singing of “Sacred Fire” by Allison Holst-Grubbe and the choir was overwhelming. Let’s keep the fire of the Spirit burning as we call others by name to serve the church.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M., Pastor