Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all our Confirmation students who took part in our annual Pancake Breakfast last Sunday following the 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses. Many parishioners commented on how friendly and helpful the students were, and I was impressed at the mature and outgoing way our young people interacted with us “older” folks. Congratulations and thanks to everyone for making our “Fat Sunday” the enjoyable event it was.
During the pancake breakfast, as well as at other times, and even through some notes and emails I’ve received recently, several parishioners have expressed very strong feelings regarding the way things have been unfolding under our new presidential administration. I won’t go into detail about specific actions or directives, mainly because there have been so many of them. However, I am keenly aware that people are experiencing severe emotions of worry and anxiety over a situation they don’t understand or can’t control.
At the same time, I realize that I, as a preacher, must walk a delicate line. People don’t necessarily want to hear about politics from the pulpit, although there are times when a prophetic word or two must be uttered. Jesus certainly wasn’t shy about speaking truth to power, nor should we. Perhaps, during this particular time, we ought to be listeners.
In that sense, I realized that I was simply a listener to those who were feeling helpless, overwhelmed, and afraid of what the future holds. Maybe that’s what we all need to be: listeners. Because there has been too much angry shouting, too many damaged relation- ships, too little patience to hear what anyone else is saying.
If you need to talk, we are here for you. In the meantime, let us take care of each other and do whatever is within our means to build up hope and goodness wherever it is needed.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.