Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I hope you are having a good summer so far, notwithstanding the hot temperatures we’ve been enduring lately. I spent a somewhat cool week on Cape Cod recently, which was a nice respite from the usually scorching weather of July.
As we look down the road towards the end of the summer, I’d like to let you know a little bit more about an event we are planning, as a sort of ‘farewell’ to summer: Music Under the Stars on Saturday evening, August 24, from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. This event for adults will feature Larry Gareau and his jazz combo playing music in the friary gardens under a (hopefully) star-filled evening sky. With a catered dinner, deserts, and a wine-beer bar, we hope to entice many of you to come and enjoy the music and each another’s company. The price is $40 per person or $70 per couple, and you can make your reservation and payment here.
Moving into September, I would like to invite you to celebrate two special occasions. My brothers and sisters have a little custom of getting together for our respective 70th birthdays, and this year will be, not only my entry into septuagenarianhood, but also the 40th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. Several members of my family, including siblings, cousins and others will be making their way to Hartford to be with me for the celebration. On Sunday, September 8th, I will celebrate the 10:00 AM Mass on the same day I was ordained to the priesthood back in 1984.
I also want to include a note of thanks for the many kind compliments you’ve given me regarding my “Hartford Mass,” parts of which we have been singing over the past several weeks. The entire Mass will be unveiled before the end of the summer. I intended it be a rather simple composition that could be sung easily with a melodic theme that could be used throughout the different segments (Gloria, Alleluia, Holy, etc.). I have enjoyed creating music for our community’s worship, and I hope it has enhanced your prayer as well.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M., Pastor
Join us in the Friary Garden (weather permitting) for an evening of painting and sipping. Br. Kevin Hamzik, O.F.M. will be our host for the evening event. Br. Kevin, after graduating from St. Bonaventure University with a degree in studio art, entered formation with the Franciscan Order of the Roman Catholic church. Kevin began to use his missionary experiences as a friar to inspire his artwork and to bring to light different social issues. In his fourth year of temporary religious vows, Kevin is pursuing his Master of Fine Arts degree at Columbia College Chicago. is here for the summer from Chicago where he is finishing his MFA.
Come, enjoy and get to know our Br. Kevin.