Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As you can see from the cover of this bulletin, this weekend marks the start of the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. This year’s theme is “Do This in Memory of Me,” which refers to Jesus’ command to his disciples at the Last Supper to celebrate the Eucharist as his Body and Blood was given for them and for the world.

Our annual goal for the appeal is $115,000. Over the past three years, although we have not met the goal per se, our total pledges have increased. The totals each year have been:
2021: $88,777.88
2022: $89,005.00
2023: $91,520.50
We have increased our total giving over the past three years by $2,742.62. This is a worthy increase in giving, and I congratulate you on this achievement. However, last year just 254 parishioners participated in the appeal, or 21.82% of our total parish membership. We hope to reach a participation rate this year of at least 25% in order to experience a deeper and wider sense of participation and stewardship in the local church. If you haven’t participated in the past, I hope you will reconsider and make a gift to the appeal.
To that end, I encourage you to watch a video which shows in considerable detail how the Archdiocese of Hartford uses the gifts of the yearly appeal. Because the video this year is much more image-oriented (as opposed to an audio presentation), please go directly to the Archdiocese’s website where you can watch it at your leisure.
If you haven’t received an appeal packet in the mail, packets will be available in the church in a few weeks for you to make your gift or to make a pledge. You can also go directly to the Archdiocese’s website: archdioceseofhartford.org/appeal to make a gift online.
Last weekend, on Saturday, February 17, together with our Pastoral Associate, Patricia Curtis, three parishioners, Carole Fay, and Ron and Joan Osella, I attended a day-long workshop on the ministry of vocations at Northwest Catholic High School. Over 100 people from around the Archdiocese gathered to hear presentations on how to form a parish vocation committee. These committees will meet to explore ways to promote vocations in all walks of life: priesthood, diaconate, religious, married and single.
The emphasis, no doubt, was on vocations to the priesthood, given the rather dire need for priests to serve in the parishes of the Hartford Archdiocese – including our own parish! Statistics show that just within a few years there will be far fewer priests available to serve in our parishes. Here at St. Patrick-St. Anthony, our ages range from 63 to 85, which is typical of many parishes these days.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the Catholic Church is a sacramental church, and we cannot have the Eucharist, Reconciliation or the Anointing of the Sick without priests. Therefore, all of us must do our part in helping our young people discern a potential vocation to the ordained ministry.
I want to conclude with the Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood which we are asked to pray:
Heavenly Father, you have created us for a definite purpose. Grant us the grace to know the path you have planned for each us in this life, and to respond with a generous “Yes.” Make my parish, my home and my heart fruitful for your gift of vocations to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. May our young men respond to your call with courage and zeal. Stir among them a desire and the strength to be good and holy priests. We make our prayer for priestly vocations to you, Father, in the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
May we all come together to ask the Master of the harvest to send out more generous and dedicated laborers for the harvest.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M., Pastor