Dear Parishioners and Friends,
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I would be having an appointment with Coadjutor Archbishop Coyne on November 29th. I would like to report that our meeting went very well! After a brief prayer, the Archbishop opened my “dossier” – two pages of what looked like some very brief and incomplete information. He asked me to help him fill in some dates and other information about my education background, and so forth. I also explained the recent merger of five Franciscan provinces in the United States into the new Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The ensuing conversation ranged over several topics, including the makeup of our parish staff, parish finances, our LGBT ministries (of which he is very supportive), and our parish’s social outreach programs. Needless to say, there was a lot to talk about! He was especially curious to hear about how we serve the poor and disadvantaged, and I was pleased to be able to describe some of the many ways we address those needs through the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry. Archbishop Coyne also mentioned that he is very familiar with our location since he likes to stop by the Banh-Meee Vietnamese restaurant on Ann Uccello Street for lunch once in a while! Of course, I invited him to stop by to say hello if he ever has the chance to do so. I also hope that he will celebrate Mass for us in the near future. The hour we spent together flew by far too quickly, and I felt I had to send him a short follow-up email, not only to thank him for the opportunity to talk about this unique parish, but to include a brief mention of our parish’s participation in the Synod process.
Last Sunday’s celebration of the First Sunday of Advent was a splendid opportunity for us to come together as a community with our Advent Wreath Workshop and Pancake Breakfast after the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses, as well as gift returns for our Local Giving Tree. Our Confirmation candidates and members of the 7th & 8th Grade Ministry outdid themselves by assisting in the making of the wreaths, cooking pancakes and serving them, and helping to make for a very festive atmosphere! I received many comments from parishioners about how happy they were to be able to hold the pancake breakfast once again after a four-year hiatus. Events such as these are truly enjoyable for everyone, and we certainly know how to throw a party! Several others said how much they enjoyed the slide show on our new big-screen television; so I hope we will have more photos to display as time goes on. If you have any photos you’d like to contribute, please email them to me, and I will add them to the collection.

As I mentioned last week, this year marks the 800th anniversary of the visit of St. Francis to Greccio where he celebrated Christmas and created what is believed to be the first nativity scene. The Franciscan Order wishes to mark this occasion with special observances and events to draw attention to Francis’ deep love for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. At our service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 17th, we will feature a beautiful letter by Pope Francis which he wrote to encourage families and individuals to set up a nativity scene in their homes as a way to contemplate the Christmas story and how the various “members” of the nativity scene played their role in it. The children of our parish will present the various statues of our nativity scene. Along with our wonderful choirs and instrumentalists under the direction of Gabriel Löfvall, I am also happy to say that John Nowacki, a well-known local host on New England Public Radio, will be joining us as our narrator.

There is still time to send me your photo for our Christmas Tree. Many of those who have sent a photo have said how happy they are that we are doing this, and I hope you will be pleased with the results! Email a digital file to [email protected], or you can bring a photo to the parish office which we will scan.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor