Dear Parishioners and Friends,
The 11th verse of the 2nd chapter of the Song of Songs in the Bible says: “Behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.” How I wish it were so! While we enjoyed a dry and sunny Easter weekend, it seems that the winter rains have not exited the stage as of yet. Nevertheless, I am still basking in the beauty and joyous solemnity of the Paschal Triduum, as I hope you are as well. My thanks go out to so many people for making the liturgies of Holy Week so inspiring and memorable.
The cold I came down with on Monday of Holy Week prevented me from participating in the Chrism Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral, but we were represented by Carolyn Abramo and Kristina DiDominzio who brought the Holy Oils back to the parish. Carolyn was also chosen to be one of the presenters of the gifts at the Mass, and here she is, having just presented the wine to Archbishop Blair.

It has been wonderful to witness the involvement of more of our young parishioners in the celebration of the liturgy, and I was particularly gratified to see several of our Confirmation candidates present at the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. They took turns presenting the cross for veneration, and did so with dignity and reverence. Our young readers also played an important role at the Easter Vigil as well as Easter Sunday. Our young Church Street Singers took prominent parts in the Easter Sunday Mass, both as a choir and as soloists. Congratulations to one and all!
Next month we will be losing a valuable member of our music ministry. Scott Lamlein, who is our Saturday organist, will be moving to Atlanta with his wife Mary Beth and son Francis, to take up the director of music at All Saints Episcopal Church. Scott has been the director of music and organist at St. John’s Episcopal Church in West Hartford for more than nine years, and has served here at St. Patrick-St. Anthony for the past three years. During his time with us, Scott has become a respected member of our music ministry, and we will miss his presence very much. I wish to offer him our congratulations and best wishes for success and fulfillment in his new home and position.
One of the Trustees of our parish, Cody Guarnieri, was recently sworn in as a judge of the Superior Court of the State of Connecticut, and I want to congratulate him on this appointment. Cody and Julianne are the parents of three young children. They are also members of our parish’s marriage preparation program. As a result of his appointment as judge, Cody has had to step down as Trustee, and I have asked Marc Sherer to fill out his term. Marc is also the chairperson of our Sister Parish Committee, and has devoted himself to advocating for the members of Saint Geneviève Parish in Haiti.
Regarding the petition that over 300 of us signed a few weeks ago to stop the export of guns to the gangs which have caused so much suffering and terror in Haiti, Senator Richard Blumenthal was scheduled to visit us this past Tuesday to receive the petition. I’ll have more to report about his visit in next week’s bulletin. Both he and Senator Chris Murphy have been outspoken in their support on behalf of the Haitian people.
You may have received or will be very soon receiving a letter and pledge card from me seeking your support of this year’s Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Please prayerfully consider your response. Know that your financial support will touch the lives of thousands of people who are served in our Archdiocese through your support of the Appeal.
The 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, Do This in Memory of Me, presents each of us with the opportunity to give back to the Lord by helping those in need. Thank you for your support of this year’s Appeal and please pray for its success – so many are counting on us.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M., Pastor