Dear Parishioners and Friends,
In a case of “better late than never,” I was pleased to finally be able to present the St. Joseph Medal to Dan and Peggy Lareau last Monday, April 17. The medals were to have been presented to Dan and Peg on Sunday, March 19, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph by Archbishop Blair, but illness prevented them from attending. The Archdiocese graciously allowed me to present the medals at a later time.
Dan and Peg are long-time parishioners of St. Patrick-St. Anthony and have served in over 15 ministries, including liturgical ministry, parish life, spiritual care, and service to our neighbors in need. Additionally, Dan and Peg are among the first to volunteer for onetime events or other parish needs.
They happened to be in the office counting the weekend collection when I suggested that we wait no longer and presented the medals right on the spot! Dan and Peg are dedicated Christian disciples who live their faith quietly and without fanfare. They reflect the qualities of St. Joseph who took care of Mary and Jesus with patience and openness of heart. On behalf of all our parishioners, I want to congratulate and thank Dan and Peg for their dedication and generosity to our parish community.

Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor
Join us Sunday, April 23 for Community Sunday after the 5:00 pm Mass.