Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As we commemorate the Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and as we hear again the account of his passion and death from the Gospel of Matthew, I extend a warm welcome to anyone who may be visiting us this weekend. Please know that we are happy that you have chosen to worship with us, and we hope you will return!
In these last final days of the season of Lent, which ends on Holy Thursday morning, I’m recalling some of the wonderful events I’ve seen and experienced during these sacred days: more people participating in daily Mass; more people coming to the Sacrament of Reconciliation; the celebration of the Stations of the Cross; enriching adult faith formation programs, even though the weather required have to make some quick alternative plans.
On Friday, March 10th, the annual St. Patrick’s Parade Mass was celebrated here, with Parade representatives from the various municipalities in the great Hartford area participating. As the principal celebrant and homilist for the Mass, I was joined by Fr. John Melnick, the Rector of the Cathedral of St. Joseph, and Archbishop Emeritus Henry Mansell. Our own Jim Moriarty provided on-air commentary for the televised Parade the following day.
More than forty children of our Parish celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Saturday, March 18th, along with their parents and other family members. I want to thank Deb Pelletier, Sarah Christopher, and the members of the religious education staff who prepared the children for this important step in their sacramental life. We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated team who help to form the younger generation in the ways of our Catholic faith.
On Saturday, March 25th, we were privileged to celebrate the Mass of Christian Burial for Hartford’s first female Mayor, Ann Uccello, who died at the age of 100. Fr. John was the principal celebrant for the Mass, and retired Auxiliary Bishop Peter Rosazza preached a beautiful homily. From now on, the sign at the corner of Church Street and Ann Uccello Street will always have a special meaning for me. From what I heard, Mayor Uccello was a force to be reckoned with, and a leader who put our city on the map! May God give her eternal rest for her labors.
At all Masses this weekend we are taking our monthly special collection to help us close our annual budget gap. This month the collection will be for the music ministry of St. Patrick-St. Anthony. Each year we end up with a deficit of approximately $200,000 which we have been covering by taking funds from our investment account. I’ve never been comfortable taking too much out of the account for this purpose, and the monthly special collections are helping to rectify that situation. All of us are aware that our music ministry is one of the best in the area, and we are blessed to have such talented musicians who provide beautiful choral and instrumental music for our liturgies. I am confident that you will support our music ministry with your generous giving this weekend. We are very appreciative of Gabriel Löfvall and all who help us to worship God in song as beautifully as possible.
Next, I would like to express my appreciation to Patti and Stefan Wawzyniecki and Maeve and Ken Brasa for pruning our hydrangea trees and getting our gardens ready for Spring, and to John Bizis for the lovely floral arrangements at the entrance of the Church. We are fortunate to have many “Green Thumbs” who make our grounds such inviting places!
These are just some of the recent activities which have taken place here on Church Street. Of course, much happens that often goes unnoticed, like our Sandwich Ministry or Religious Education classes. Sometimes I just have to watch in amazement at how many folks come through our doors each day and offer their time and talents, especially for those in need. Ours is a faith community that never slows down. My feeble attempt to summarize all the activity here cannot fully capture what St. Patrick-St. Anthony is all about.
My hope and prayer for all of us during the coming days is that we will be renewed once again by the great offering of Jesus to the Father in the Paschal Mystery. As we celebrate the events through which our salvation was accomplished, may our hearts and minds be lifted up by the One who was lifted high on the cross for our healing.
“Christ became obedient for us unto death, even to the death, death on the cross. Therefore God exalted Him and gave Him a name which is above all names.”
May you have a blessed Holy Week.
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor