Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter, the conclusion of the Octave of the Resurrection of the Lord. But we still have another six weeks of celebration before the season culminates with the Solemnity of Pentecost on May 28. In the meantime, we will celebrate many baptisms, as well the First Eucharist of our children the weekend of May 6-7, and the Confirmation of our young people on May 6 at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph. In addition, our Ladies’ Guild will celebrate the 85th anniversary of its founding on May 7 together with our annual May Crowning ceremony. And let’s not forget the annual Walk Against Hunger on May 20!
Once again, I wish to express my thanks to everyone who made the liturgies of Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum such beautiful and meaningful experiences for our parish. Many first-time visitors were overwhelmed by the music and prayerfulness of our liturgies. Everyone who played a part should take great satisfaction knowing that you helped someone else feel closer to God through your ministry.
The Gospel for this weekend is the same every year on the Second Sunday of Easter – the story of the Apostle Thomas coming to faith in the Risen Christ. He has come to be known as “Doubting Thomas” because he couldn’t believe the news that Jesus had risen from the dead until he had physical proof. Only by touching the wounds of Jesus could he be assured that the resurrection was real.
Let’s face it: we have doubts at times about many things, even our faith. This is only natural because faith in something we can’t see or touch is not easy. Often, we have to rely on the word of others. Unfortunately, in our country today, many think of this as “fake news.” But the Resurrection was certainly not fake news – it was Good News, the best news that humanity would ever receive. How we choose to respond to that news will make all the difference, not only in our own lives, but in the lives of those around us. Our Easter faith grows stronger only to the extent that we put that faith into action. Happily, this is the hallmark of our parish of St. Patrick-St. Anthony. If anyone should doubt it, just wait until next month!
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor
Join us Sunday, April 16 for Community Sunday after the 8:00 and 10:00 am Masses.