Dear Parishioners and Friends,
A senator’s visit, a basketball championship, a solar eclipse: three very different events that have impacted us in the past two weeks.
On the morning of Tuesday, April 2nd, Senator Richard Blumenthal paid a brief visit to the Franciscan Center to receive the petition which was signed during the weekend of March 16-17 by many parishioners asking that the U.S. Senate pass a bill which would prohibit the export of guns from the United States to Haiti.
During his visit, Senator Blumenthal spoke of the urgency to pass the bill, notwithstanding the political differences which have prevented its passage thus far. He promised that he and Senator Chris Murphy would continue to fight for the bill in Washington until it is finally brought up for a vote. He also spoke warmly about his previous visits to St. Patrick-St. Anthony, noting how deeply impressed he has been by our parish and our commitment to social concerns and needs. We are grateful that he took the time from his busy schedule to come here and join us in our efforts to bring some measure of peace and stability to our Haitian brothers and sisters.

Fr. Tim and Joe Cirasuolo, chairperson of the Sister Parish Advocacy Subcommittee, present the petition to Senator Blumenthal.
Congratultations to the UConn Huskies for winning the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship on Monday evening, April 8th in Phoenix, AZ! Their win over Perdue marks the second year in a row that they have captured the national championship, their sixth in all. I know that many parishioners are huge fans of UConn’s men’s and women’s basketball teams, so here is yet another opportunity to savor the sweetness of victory, and to take pride in our home team.
The solar eclipse which occurred last Monday afternoon, was a moment that brought the entire nation to a standstill.
The New York Times columnist, Elizabeth Diaz, had this to say about the eclipse: “As the moon crossed over the sun yesterday, millions of people from Mazatlán to Maine stopped to gaze upward in a profound experience of awe. The solar eclipse tapped into a primal emotion. It evoked for many a mystical moment, as awareness of the celestial encompassed the earth. It revealed the close dance between spirituality and science.
For a nation pulled apart by every manner of division, the eclipse also offered a moment of unity, however brief. It was a reminder to everyone, on the same day and at the same time, that life can be magical. That being alive is a collective experience. That there is something astonishing about being part of the greater story of things.”

The eclipse was certainly a sight to behold as Brother Sun and Sister Moon danced together in the heavens above. During this season in which we celebrate the Resurrection, we are reminded once again of God’s limitless power to lift us out of our sometimes cynical dispiritedness with a few moments of awe and mystery. These celestial phenomena don’t happen frequently, but when they do, they remind me of the words of Psalm 8:3 – “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”
Saint Francis of Assisi surely was in awe of God’s creation, and he found intimate companionship with everything he laid his eyes upon. Brother Sun, Sister Moon and Stars, Brother Wind and Brother Fire, Sister Water and Mother Earth. All of these tell us of God’s goodness and care for us. May we always honor and glorify God and all of creation with gratitude and joy in our hearts.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M., Pastor