This Lent, we are asking our parishioners for another act of kindness – contributing to the 2024 Palm Sunday “Weekend” Food Drive on March 23-24.

Food insecurity continues to be a challenge for many living in the City of Hartford. Sadly, Hartford is at the top of the statistics list according to CT Foodshare. “Hartford has a Food Insecurity Rate of 19.3% – the highest percentage in the State, higher than New Haven, New London, Waterbury and Bridgeport.”
You can support the food drive for needy families served by the House of Bread and Hands on Hartford by donating the following items: peanut butter, rice, dried beans, pasta, pasta sauce, can of tuna and chicken, cereal, granola bars, sugar, ground coffee and canned vegetables.
All the items plus a jar of jelly can be purchased at Aldi’s for $30. If you can provide multiples of some items (cereal, food bars, tuna, pasta), it would be a bonus for a family. Tucking in something “Eastery” would be a nice touch and appreciated by families with children.
A couple of IFS.
- If you cannot donate all the items, consider dropping off any of the protein items – canned tuna/ chicken, jars of peanut butter or coffee.
- If grocery shopping is not an option for you, monetary donations can also be made with checks payable to “House of Bread”. Checks can be dropped off during the curbside collection or placed in the collection basket in an envelope marked for the House of Bread.
Any doubts if participating in this food drive makes a difference? Consider the words of Mother Theresa on hunger, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
We ask that you bring your donation in a durable box or reinforced bag on Saturday, March 23 before the 4pm Mass or on Sunday, March 24 between 9am-Noon and before the 5pm Mass.
Volunteers will be on hand curbside to collect your donation.
Here’s the grocery list
All items can be purchased at Aldi’s for about $30.
- peanut butter
- rice
- dried beans
- pasta
- pasta sauce
- tuna
- chicken in a can
- cereal
- granola bars
- ground coffee
- sugar
- canned vegetables

BONUS items
- Easter treats
- multiples of any items