It has been a few years since our SPSA community has done a major drive to support local family and children’s programs. Catholic Charities and other Hartford family and children’s programs will be the recipients of the diapers.

We thought it was important to put the diaper crisis for lower income families into some perspective for our community. As most of you know, diapers are essential to a baby’s healthy development. Keeping infants and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy is key to building a solid foundation for all children to reach their full potential.
But one in three families in Connecticut struggles to provide clean diapers for their baby. The average infant will use up to 10 diapers a day.
On average, the cost for diapers is $80.00 a month.
For lower income families the cost can be prohibitive given all of the other basic needs they must contend with (food, clothing, and shelter).
A baby in a soiled diaper is not a happy baby.
‘Diaper need is linked to multiple adverse infant and caregiver outcomes. Without diaper changes at regular intervals, young children are susceptible to dermatological and urinary tract infections. The stress of diaper rash and the experience of diaper need are associated with parental anxiety and elevated levels of maternal depressive symptoms.’
2016 study published in the American Journal of Public Health
When parents do not have diapers for their children, they may resort to makeshift solutions like towels, newspapers or plastic bags. Some parents report having to dump, dry and reuse soiled diapers.
Parents may also be forced to keep their babies in soiled diapers for much longer than recommended, which can lead to diaper rash and more serious medical conditions.
We thank you for your generosity for this endeavor as well as all of the food, snacks, and other ministries you continue to support.

Learn more about diaper insecurity:
Moms Helping Moms Foundation, visit