Sacramental Preparation Teams
Baptism is a reminder that it is more than enough to be loved by God. We are safe in covenant with our God who is neither predictable nor always comfortable. But we will find there the goodness and mercy that follows us, a cup that overflows, and a wind that sets us loose.”
a parishioner
Baptism Preparation Team
The preparation for baptism and Christian instruction are both of vital concern to God’s people, the Church, which hands on and nourishes the faith received from the apostles. ~ Christian Initiation, General Introduction, § 7
Our Baptism Preparation Team works together to plan and conduct preparation sessions for parents and godparents on the theology and spirituality of Baptism. They also encourage the participants to reflect on the role that their Christian faith play in the upbringing of their children.
Responsibilities for Preparation Team members include:
- preparing training materials and handouts
- welcoming participants (with a brief introduction and opening prayer)
- conducting preparation sessions
- facilitating small group discussions
Sessions last for two hours and are held five times a year; organizational meetings are held as necessary. Experienced team members mentor the new members on the team.
Marriage Preparation Team
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. ~ Genesis 2:24 NAB
The Marriage Preparation Team is made up of members of the parish community who work together to plan and conduct workshops for engaged couples, provide hospitality, prepare training materials, and conduct training sessions.
RCIA Preparation Team
The people of God as represented by the local Church, should understand and show by their concern that the initiation of adults is the responsibility of all the baptized. Therefore the community must always be fully prepared in the pursuit of its apostolic vocation to give help to those who are searching for Christ… Hence, the entire community must help the candidates and catechumens throughout the process of initiation. ~ Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Introduction, § 9
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the journey of faith by which adults who have heard Christ proclaimed in the Gospel, begin to seek an appropriate way to respond to what they have heard. This journey is a process of discernment, which is meant to prepare them for receiving the sacraments of initiation.
The RCIA Preparation Team has responsibility throughout the RCIA process to help the RCIA candidates mature in their faith. The many different roles for team members include:
- companions who welcome inquirers and assist them in discerning God’s call in their lives
- prayer partners who pray with the candidates throughout the time of the RCIA
- discussion leaders who conduct sessions on Church teachings
- catechists who guide reflections on the Scripture readings proclaimed at the Sunday liturgy
The participation of the RCIA Preparation Team varies throughout the year, depending on the activities at each stage.
Do you feel called to serve on one of our Sacramental Preparation Teams?
Contact Allison Holst-Grubbe at 860-756-4034 or click below to email