Open Hearts LGBTQ+ Ministry
Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter: whoever finds one has found a treasure. ~ Sirach 6:14 NRSV
Open Hearts LGBTQ+ Ministry

The Open Hearts LGBT Ministry provides educational opportunities to build and develop greater visibility and understanding of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) experiences within our church community and develop faith-building outreach programming to the diverse spectrum of the LGBT community.
As a Catholic parish committed to justice, Open Hearts Ministry of the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry will actively provide and promote faith opportunities that build community for those who may have experienced spiritual disconnection.
Fellowship Gatherings: Every second Sunday of the month, September-June, immediately following the 5:00 PM Mass at 6:00 PM. We are currently meeting via Zoom or in person.
All are welcome to our meetings and activities. To receive the Zoom link or for more information please email [email protected].
Want to receive emails from us?
Please contact the office at 860-756-4034 or email [email protected] with Open Hearts Ministry in the subject line, if you would like to be added to our email list.
Contact us for more information!
If you’re new here or have questions about the Open Hearts Ministry, please reach out by clicking below and filling out our contact form, and we will be in touch.
Family and Friends of LGBTQ+ Support Ministry
This group, composed of members of the church who love their gay and lesbian family members unconditionally, supports the LGBT community. This group holds regular meetings, provides ongoing educational programs and offers continued spiritual development.
Contact us for more information!
If you’re new here or have questions about the Family & Friends of LGBTQ+ Ministry, please reach out by clicking below and filling out our contact form, and we will be in touch.