Pancake Breakfast: “Fat Sunday: Feast Before We Fast!”
Sunday, March 2 after the 8 and 10 am Masses!
The pancake breakfast has been moved to a new season! Join us in the Franciscan Center after the 8 and 10 am Masses for pancakes cooked and served by the 9th and 10th grade Focus 4:12 teens in the Confirmation program. Proceeds will go to the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry.
$5 per person, ages 5 and under are free, $20 cap for families.
Clare Gallery: Upcoming Exhibit “Colorful Silence“
Artist’s Reception: Sunday, March 2 from 1:00-3:00 pm
Brother Mickey O’Neill McGrath, Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, is a writer, painter, and storyteller. His work will feature quotes from modern “mystics” such as Richard Rohr, Dorothy Day, St. Therese, as well as others.
From Ashes to Alleluia-A Franciscan Lenten Journey Podcast
Lent isn’t about giving up coffee or skipping dessert. It’s about waking up. It’s about shaking off fear, stepping out of hesitation, and letting God’s grace break through the walls we didn’t even realize we built.
Join Mike Johnson, OFM, for From Ashes to Alleluia, a daily Lenten podcast that meets us in the raw, messy, beautiful reality of life. Through Scripture, the wisdom of St. Francis and St. Clare, and the honest struggles we all face, this journey isn’t about surviving Lent—it’s about letting it transform us. It’s about moving from ashes to alleluia, from holding back to stepping fully into the life God dreams for us.
Are we ready to take that step? Listen daily:

Stations of the Cross
Fridays, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4 & 11 after the 12:05 pm Mass
Our Own Nazareth Time
Mondays, March 10 & 24, April 7 & 21, May 5 & 19, June 2 from 12:45-1:45 pm
Experience your own “Nazareth Time” during the Lent/Easter Season this year!

Jesus spent 90% of his life in Nazareth living with others and sharing their existence; their hopes, fears, delights, griefs, triumphs and disasters.
We invite you to join us on a life changing journey through our own Nazareth time. The City is My Monastery, A Contemporary Rule of Life, by Richard Carter is an unusual book; more like a guide to life that might become your life-time companion for prayer, peace and well-being. It gives us a practical “rule of life”.
There are seven spiritual practices in the book accompanied by many exercises to nurture our faith with each practice.
Please purchase the book. We will read one chapter (one spiritual practice) over a two-week period. After the 12:05 Mass we will meet in the Franciscan Center to experience the exercises proposed.
Please attend as your schedule allows! Follow along and then join us for an in-person experience of spiritual practices which will inspire far beyond the end of the Easter Season.
Beverages will be provided. Feel free to bring your lunch.
Please REGISTER below

Lenten Twilight Retreat:
A Journey Inward in Love so that we Move Outward in Greater Love
Tuesday, March 11 from 5:30-8:00 pm
We are delighted to invite Fr. Ken back for an evening of presentation, inspiration, and reflection in this Lenten season. This evening will draw upon Pope Francis’ recent encyclical, Dilexit Nos (“He Loved Us”), to help us, this Lent, enter more deeply into the heart of Christ and the heart of the Gospel.
Presenter: Fr. Kenneth P. Paulli, OFM, EdD Suggested Offering: $20.00; includes dinner. Presentation only at 6:30 pm: $15.00
Fr. Kenneth P. Paulli, OFM, EdD is a Franciscan priest of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a Professor of Education at Siena College, Loudonville, NY. Born and raised in Westchester County, NY, he graduated from Siena in 1982 with a B.S. in Marketing/Management. Upon his college graduation, Fr. Ken taught high school and subsequently entered the Franciscan Order. After graduating from the Washington Theological Union in May 1990 with an M.A. in Theology, Fr. Ken was ordained to the priesthood in September of that same year. After serving as a parochial vicar in two parishes, Fr. Ken enrolled in Columbia University’s Religion & Education doctoral program. Columbia awarded him a doctorate in May 1999. Fr. Ken is an Associate Professor of Education. In addition to teaching, research, and writing, Fr. Ken has given numerous parish missions and retreats.
Please REGISTER HERE for Dinner and Presentation by March 7
Please REGISTER HERE for Presentation Only by March 11
Lenten Yoga and Meditation Evening
Thursday, March 27 from 6:30-8:05 pm

Join us for an all levels restorative class held in the Franciscan Center. Participants should bring their mats, a blanket, and wear comfortable clothing. We will interweave yoga poses with prayer and meditation. Join us for a special candlelit evening of gentle movement and introspection.
To register, email Jess at [email protected].
Holy Week & Easter ~ A Time for Healing
Thursday, April 10 from 6:30-8:00 pm

Jesus was a remarkable healer. For much of his public ministry, he was surrounded by human need. Crowds followed him wherever he went, pressing in on him, asking for healing. We too seek out this healer from Nazareth and long to encounter him. Join us for an Evening of Reflection on the cusp of Holy Week as together we reflect on how Jesus is still very much with us, healing and transforming us through his compassionate life, his saving death, and his glorious resurrection.
Presenter: Amy Ekeh
Amy Ekeh is a Scripture instructor, retreat director and Associate Editor at Little Rock Scripture Study. Amy’s work has been published in a variety of Catholic publications, including St. Anthony Messenger, Catechist Magazine, The Bible Today and Magnificat. Her latest book is Stretch Out Your Hand: Reflections on the Healing Ministry of Jesus. Amy is also the author of Come to Me, All of You: Stations of the Cross in the Voice of Christ, a 2024 Association of Catholic Publishers award-winner. Amy has a B.A. in Theology from the University of Dallas and a M.A. in Theology from The Catholic University of America. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and four children.
Suggested Offering: $15.00
can be made payable to “St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church” and mailed to 285 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103, Attn. Pat Curtis OR
Click Here to give offering conveniently ONLINE and note the program name in the Memo.
Please REGISTER HERE so that we know you are joining us!
Palm Sunday Food Drive
SPSA Community Day at Dunkin’ Park

Sunday, June 15
Ever wanted to walk out onto Dunkin Park baseball field??
For the first time, our group will have the opportunity to hold the Big Flag during the pre-game ceremony!
Tickets will go on sale in March 22 & 23 and April 5 & 6.
Novel Idea Book Discussion Group
Third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm on Zoom

See below for our upcoming books, and join us!
- March 20, 2025, Let Us Descend – Jesmyn Ward
- April 17, 2025, Hello Beautiful – Ann Napolitano
Please consider joining us on Zoom. For more information and a list of upcoming books, please check your Monday email the week of our meeting for the zoom link, or contact the office at 860-756-4034 or email [email protected].
Prayer Shawl Ministry Meetings
Meets twice per month

Evening meetings are on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom: Winter/spring dates are March 10, April 14, May 12, and June 9
Daytime meetings are on the last Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in the Franciscan Center: Winter/spring dates are February 27, March 27, April 24, May 29, and June 26
Please consider joining us at any time this year to learn the art of making Prayer Shawls and to help us continue to reach out to others in our community through this ministry of love.
For more information, contact Janet Bristow at [email protected]
Drumming Circle
Mondays, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2
6:30-7:30 pm in the Franciscan Center

Did you know that drumming is good for the spirit as well as the heart and mind! Please join us for an evening of African drumming rhythms once a month. Anyone can learn to drum – no musical experience is needed. If you have a drum, please bring it with you. Let us know if you need a drum by calling the parish office, 860-756-4034. First-time participants, please arrive by 6:15 p.m.
Facilitator: Elaine Wiatr
Sponsored by the Women of Hope Ministry
Group Spiritual Reflection
Every Tuesday, on Zoom, 12:30-1:30 pm
Every Wednesday, in-person, 12:40-1:40 pm

Our gathering will reflect upon the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday to guide us on our path of discipleship. As companions on the journey, we listen, reflect and share how the Word speaks to our hearts through the Spirit. There is no need to do any advance preparation for the session. Come as you are with an open heart.
Facilitators: Mary Espinosa, Joan Osella and Elaine Wiatr
In Quiet Prayer
Wednesdays from 7:30-8:00 am on Zoom

Thirty minutes of quiet prayer practice every Wednesday morning, from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.. Join us on Zoom to be “In Quiet Prayer “with others. We begin with a brief ritual of offering compassion for the needs of our world and ourselves. A prayer or reading is offered, and is followed by 20 minutes of silence for personal intentions, through prayer, reflection, meditation or contemplation.
Divine Reading
Each month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, in-person, 7:00-8:00 pm
March 5 & 19; April 2 & 16; May 7 & 21; June 4 & 18

Please consider joining us for “lectio divina” (divine reading.) It is a prayerful reading of a bible passage in order to discern its message for each of us today. We have found that meeting in person gives the experience greater intimacy and impact. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do! The process is simple and will be explained each time, and sharing is welcome, but optional.
Co-facilitators: Sheila Denion and John Lemega
People of Hope ~ “The Flowing Grace of Now”
Every Wednesday from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm on Zoom

“To see requires a deeply contemplative spirit and an open heart. To see requires learning to live awake. When we begin to live awake, we will see teachers everywhere”, writes retreat guide and author Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr. Using her book, The Flowing Grace of Now, we will ponder one essay per week which will usher us into the presence of spiritual teachers at work in our lives—inviting us to listen to these teachers, deepen our faith, and learn from their wisdom. Please join our facilitator, Pat Curtis, each Wednesday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, to gather with others for weekly inspiration using experiences from our daily lives. Our goal is to keep hope alive and steadfast even as difficult personal and world events press upon us. This “People of Hope” gathering is available to you every Wednesday morning ~ attend when your schedule allows to receive the gifts of spiritual nourishment and growth. Join us!
Facilitator: Pat Curtis
Free Will Offering
Looking for more events to nurture your faith during this Lenten season? Check out our events calendar for more programs you can join!