Your generous and ongoing support …

- Enables students, teachers and staff to have a hot meal every school day – about 450 meals.
- Provides the 20 teachers and staff with professions and reliable incomes for 9 months.
- An anonymous parishioner donates salaries for school personnel during the 3 summer months.
- Permits Pastor Gaby to provide “Emergency Aid” to the most desperate parishioners during this violent time.
- Allows the Sister Parish to maintain “Reserve Funds” in case of sudden changes in our Covenant status or other emergency situations.
As a responsible partner in this covenant, the SPSA Sister Parish group strives to …
- Dialogue with the pastor and parishioners of St. Genevieve, meeting their needs in real time.
- Communicate regularly with the SPSA parishioners on the status and needs of the school, and conditions in Zorange and Haiti.
- Ensure the long-term continuity of support that St. Genevieve relies on.
Thank you – Mesi!

How to Donate to Christmas in July
By check to St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church: at Mass or by mail, please note “Christmas in July” on the memo line
Online by clicking the button below