Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Last weekend’s “Music Under the Stars” was, as far as I am aware, a first for us at St. Patrick-St. Anthony, and it was a resounding success. About 70 parishioners attended the event and everyone enjoyed a pleasant evening with great music by Ken Tedeschi and his combo of trumpet, saxophone, piano, bass and drums; delicious dinner fare from Salute restaurant; and perfect late summer weather.
I’d like to thank all those who attended, but especially the volunteers and staff members who helped with the planning and execution of the event; I’m afraid I might miss someone if I tried to name everyone who was involved. If you weren’t able to attend, we hope to be able to plan similar events in the future. It was a great way to relax and enjoy the company of old and new friends!

On Friday, August 23rd, a Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated for Jane Gallagher, who died at the age of 84, and was a revered member of our parish for many years before moving to Simsbury a few years ago. She will be fondly remembered, especially for her role in the formation of our Sister Parish Covenant. May she rest in peace.
As I mentioned here back in July, I am planning to celebrate the 40th anniversary of my Ordination and my 70th birthday next Sunday, September 8, at the 10:00 Mass followed by Community Sunday in the Franciscan Center. Members of my family (brothers and sisters, cousins, nephew and nieces) will be in Hartford for the weekend to join in the festivities. I hope you will be able to join me as I mark these two milestones (my 70th is actually September 10). I am grateful for the years God has given me on this earth, especially the gift of priesthood which has been my privilege to share with you for the past four years as pastor of this beautiful parish.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.