Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Okay, I’ll get all the clichés out of the way. I can’t believe that it’s Thanksgiving week already. Where has the year gone? It seems like the years go by faster and faster. Yada yada yada.
I don’t mean to sound like the proverbial broken record, but I do believe that the older I get the quicker time passes. As such, I try to make some time to think and reflect about my life and what I have to be thankful for, especially at this time of the year.
I’m thankful for a number of things: first, my health. Many of you may know of the little health scare I had back in March that started with some chest pains. Fortunately, it wasn’t anything serious, and I ended up going through a long round of cardiac tests over the ensuing months. I’m on medication to control heart palpitations, and overall I feel fine. So, I’m thankful for that, and I appreciate your concern. As my mother once told me, after she and my father hit 70 it was nothing but doctors’ appointments.
Speaking of hitting 70, I’m also thankful for another milestone that occurred this year: 40 years of priesthood. In some ways, I feel that my ministry as a priest didn’t fully kick in until I came to St. Patrick-St. Anthony. Here, I have had the opportunity to become more involved in the lives of our parishioners. Something which only happened in a rather limited way during my previous ministry assignments. I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me as your pastor, and I hope that I have fulfilled your expectations in some modest way. I feel like I’m still learning!
I’m thankful for the many wonderful friends I’ve made here, whether they be in the parish, or in the Archdiocese of Hartford, or even among the local music world. My life has been enriched by all the acquaintances from these three sectors of my life.
I’m truly grateful for the glorious music we are privileged to have at St. Patrick-St. Anthony. As you well know, choral and organ music are the great loves of my life, and I feel so blessed for all the inspiring music that is performed here on a weekly basis, as well as in concerts. I’m also grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to compose some music for our choir, and they make it sound pretty decent! So, thank you, Gabe and company for your gift of music.
Which is not to exclude any of our other ministries! I am thankful for the hundreds of volunteers who give their time and talent in so many ways. I just can’t say it enough: you all make a difference by your service to others in need. You make our world a bit brighter and offer hope, welcome and acceptance to those who live on the edges of society.
I am grateful for the supportive staff of our parish, both the friars and lay members, who work hard to serve you and whatever needs you may have. We enjoy one another’s company, and are always eager to help each other when necessary. I am sure our parishioners appreciate all that you do for us.
Finally, I am very grateful for the response we’ve received so far in our Parish Appeal. At this moment, we have a total of $71,642 from some 205 donors. I had no particular goal in mind, but my expectations have certainly been met, and I am humbled to see how much this parish means to those who have made a contribution. If you haven’t yet made a pledge or gift, I hope you will do so soon. I have several projects in mind which the appeal can finance, and I will keep you informed as we move forward with them.
So, those are the things for which I am thankful this year. I hope you will find just as many reasons in your own life to give thanks.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.