Dear Parishioners and Friends,
The raffle drawing for two tickets to the Andrea Bocelli concert in the XL Center on December 9th was held last weekend during our Community Sunday gathering. The winner was Marcella Baczewski, who serves as a Eucharistic Minister and is a very active parishioner of St. Patrick-St. Anthony. As it turned out, Marcella was not at the drawing, but since she was scheduled to be a Eucharistic Minister at the 5:00 Mass later that day, I decided to announce the winner at the end of Mass. What a joyous surprise it was for Marcella when I presented her with the prize envelope!
Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets. Over 400 were purchased and I feel that the effort was worth it. I would also like to thank everyone who helped in planning and preparing for the drawing. Perhaps we might be able to hold another one next year!
On Sunday, November 19th, we will observe the Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance during the 5:00 PM Mass. We will have a reflection by Rosa Klaneski as well as prayers for those transgender and nonbinary individuals who lost their lives due to violence this past year. The Open Hearts LGBTQ+ Ministry and Friends & Family Ministry Invite you to attend the Mass, followed by a wine and cheese reception in the Franciscan Center.
Here is a brief message from the Human Rights Campaign:
“The Human Rights Campaign is both saddened and infuriated by the deaths of at least 25 transgender and gender non-conforming people whose lives have been tragically and inhumanely taken through violent means, including through gun and interpersonal violence, in 2023.
Since 2013, the Human Rights Campaign has tracked incidents of fatal transgender violence – the same year the Federal Bureau of Investigation began reporting on hate crimes motivated by anti-transgender bias – and providing action items that can help end the violence.
These victims, like all of us, are loving partners, parents, family members, friends and community members. They worked, went to school and attended houses of worship. They were real people
– people who did not deserve to have their lives taken from them.”
Let us join with our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters to demonstrate our support and that we stand with all those who struggle to survive in an world that is often far too hostile towards those who are perceived to be a threat to others based merely on their sexual orientation or identity.
Finally, with the season of Advent quickly approaching, I would like to bring your attention to some of the programs we have planned.

First, on Tuesday, December 5th, I will present an Advent Daytime Retreat: The Art of the Jesse Tree, following the 12:05 Mass. The Jesse Tree is my favorite image of the Advent season, and I will take participants through a colorful guided tour of the way artists have depicted the Jesse Tree over the centuries in manuscripts, stained glass windows, painting and sculpture. Afterwards, we will create our own Jesse Tree with specially designed ornaments.
On the remaining Tuesdays in Advent (December 12 and 19), we invite you to participate in “Incarnational Inspiration” after the 12:05 Mass using the stained glass windows in our church. You can find more information about these programs in this bulletin.
Your photos for our Christmas Tree are beginning to make a nice, neat pile in my office. Email me your favorite selfie either as a digital file to tshreenan@gmail.com, or you can bring a photo to the parish office which we will scan. We have over 50 submissions so far, but we have room for a lot more; so don’t be shy – we would love to have your smiling faces grace our 12-foot tree in the church this Christmas.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor
Join us Sunday, November 19 after the 5 pm Mass!