Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As you read this letter I am probably somewhere between Buffalo and the Berkshires. I will be away for several days attending my high school classmates’ 50th anniversary of graduation in Buffalo, and then spending a few days in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts for a little R & R.
Bishop Timon-St. Jude High School in Buffalo will have held its graduation exercises on Thursday, May 26, and there is a tradition of inviting the 50-year graduation class to take part in the ceremony. I have been looking forward to seeing many of my classmates, most of whom I have not seen in at least four decades. I have been in touch with some of them via Facebook for several years, but it’s not the same as spending time with them in person, catching up on our respective careers and life events.

High School was a very happy time for me, as it often is for many people. I remember those years with great fondness because they afforded me the opportunity to hone some skills that would shape much of my life since then. I always enjoy saying that my Freshman English teacher gave me the ability to write a complete sentence; my Sophomore Typing class gave me the ability to type 90 words a minute (at my peak); the patience of my Junior Intermediate Algebra teacher gave me the ability to work out math equations (which I have never had to do since) but taught me how to analyze and organize complex thoughts; and my work on the school newspaper and literary magazine afforded me the freedom to express my creative abilities, all of which have played significant roles in my adult life. I also used to enjoy telling people that I played for the varsity basketball team all four years, and I started every home game . . . by playing the National Anthem on the organ!
More importantly, however, were the friendships and relationships with classmates and teachers for whom I still hold great esteem and gratitude. The Franciscan Friars at Timon were the first to form my vocation in ways they probably were not aware, but touched me deeply as the years have gone by. Many of them, as well as the lay teachers, have since passed away, and their memory is very dear to me.
Timon’s motto, Fortes in Fide (Strong in Faith), was often repeated to us while we were students. Whether it was in the classroom or cafeteria, the football field or basketball court, we were formed as people of faith in God and fidelity to the values of our Christian faith in whatever walk of life we chose. As proud graduates of this remarkable institution, we can trace the roots of our strong faith back to the people who formed us – parents, teachers, coaches, and each other.

In a few weeks we will be saying farewell to one of our staff members – Trudi Campbell, who will be moving to Charleston, South Carolina with her husband who has recently retired. Trudi has been a mainstay as our Director of Volunteer Ministry at St. Patrick-St. Anthony for 18 years. She has been a familiar face to so many people who have given of their time and talents as volunteers, as well as a welcoming presence for even more folks who have passed through our doors. Trudi was a wonderful source of support for me as I was getting my bearings as Pastor when I arrived in October 2020. She will certainly be missed, but we can’t let her leave without saying good-bye, so we will have an opportunity to do so after the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, June 12. Trudi, may the Lord bless you for your dedication to us, and may you enjoy the next chapter in your life as a South Carolinian. Be sure to say hi to my sister and niece when you arrive in the Holy City of Chucktown!
Blessings on your week ahead.
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.