Dear Parishioners and Friends,
“Take me out to the ball game!” It was fun to hear those words sung during the 7th-inning stretch last Sunday as a large number of parishioners descended on Dunkin’ Donuts Park to watch our Hartford Yard Goats go up against the Akron RubberDucks. Unfortunately, the Yard Goats suffered a 4-3 loss, but not without a strong effort in what has been a good season so far.
It was my first baseball game in Hartford, and it had a very friendly hometown feel to it, unlike the massive major league parks like Citi Field or Yankee Stadium in New York. From parishioner Conor Geary’s introductions and between-innings entertainment to our own quartet singing a spectacular rendition of the National Anthem (kudos to Allison Holst-Grubbe, Benjamin Rauch, Zachary Gilbert, Patrick Nay, and Gabriel Löfvall), there was plenty of familiar St. Patrick-St. Anthony faces to be seen. A big thank-you to Pat Curtis for organizing the ticket sales to our parishioners.

I also enjoyed having the opportunity to meet parishioners for the first time as well as chat with those who I’ve known for a while. It was a wonderful opportunity to socialize and get to know each other better. Oh, and they played some baseball, too.
Baseball truly is America’s Pastime. While some folks may find it a boring, slow-moving sport, I used to enjoy my outings to watch the Yankees (and sometimes the Mets) play in New York. On a lazy summer Saturday or Sunday afternoon I found it to be an enjoyable way to spend time with friends and enjoy the outdoors. That’s what summer is all about – getting outdoors and enjoying the gifts of nature. I had my first outing on my bike last week and even though a passing rain storm put a bit of a damper on it, it was a worthwhile venture.

As we wind down some of the parochial activities for the summer months and go fully into Ordinary Time today with green vestments, I find this to be a moment when God says to us: “Take it easy. Slow down. Enjoy my creation.” A baseball game, a bike ride, a day at the beach are all good for the soul. As Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel, though, there are some things in our lives as disciples that are more important than others, and we need to find the right balance. I pray and hope that you will all have a summer that will refresh you spiritually as well as physically. See you on the bike trail!
Blessings on your week ahead.
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.