Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Today’s gospel parable about a farmer who sows seed on various types of ground always makes me think of a sculpture I once saw in London’s Kew Gardens. Titled simply “A Sower,” it depicts a man holding a large basket as his free arm flings a handful of seed. This seems like such a haphazard way to plant seed, but in the ancient world that was probably the best way to do the job.
Not everything we do always turns out the way we might have planned. Life often seems haphazard at times, doesn’t it? Even the most organized among us can sometimes find ourselves in uncertain situations where we don’t have any idea what we’re doing! I felt that way for about the first year of being a pastor, and I’m still learning two years later.
The little seeds we plant along the way, without our even noticing, can become rooted and begin to grow. An idea or bit of inspiration is all it takes to begin a journey of growth for one’s self or for the sake of others. A clothing drive for refugees, like the one we had last weekend, returned huge results. So many good and beneficial things occur because someone had an idea – the seed which grew and bore fruit. But some ideas don’t bear fruit, and that’s okay too. It never hurts to try something new or different and just see what happens.
On Saturday, July 8, we began the return of the Cup of the Blood of Christ at the 4:00 Mass. With just two Eucharistic Ministers, together with the celebrant, we managed quite well. The Body of Christ was distributed on either side in front of the first pew while the minister of the Cup stood in the center at the foot of the steps. Meanwhile, at the 10:00 Mass we use three Eucharistic Ministers to provide easier traffic flow.
We will begin to reinstate the Cup at the other Masses very soon, and we encourage you to consider receiving the Blood of Christ whenever it is available.
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.Pastor
July 16, 2023 Beach Mass is cancelled due to the weather forecast!

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