Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I hope you are getting excited about our “Music Under the Stars” evening of entertainment that is just days away! Next Saturday, August 24, is the date, and I ask that if you plan to attend, please make your reservation by Monday, August 19. We need to know how many will be attending in order to finalize the arrangements with our caterer, Salute Restaurant of Hartford. Tickets are $40 per person or $70 per couple, and that includes live music; wine, beer or soda; appetizers and a delicious buffet dinner. The evening will unfold in the gardens next to the church and behind the friary. In the event of rain, we will use the Franciscan Center – so please plan to join your fellow parishioners for a evening of good music, good food, and good fellowship!
Several events this summer have drawn large crowds, from Taylor Swift concerts, to the Paris Olympic Games, to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. While one of these is not the same as others, as the saying goes, all of them held deep meaning for the participants. Let’s face it: you will never meet a fan more diehard than a Swiftie, nor an athlete more earnest than an Olympian hopeful. But could the same be said for Catholics who might be tepid at best when it comes to Mass and receiving the Eucharist?
This is something that’s been on my mind lately, especially in light of the gathering in Indianapolis and the past few years of our national Eucharistic Revival. The pandemic certainly had a big impact on Catholics’ understanding of the Eucharist, leading some to think of it as an option in the practice of our faith. Next Sunday, when we conclude the “Bread of Life” discourse in the Gospel of John, Jesus will express frustration and disappointment with those who simply gave up and left him. Belief in the Eucharist as the Lord’s own Body and Blood is not easy; it requires faith, but also commitment and dedication to keep believing, keep celebrating. But, as Peter responded to Jesus who asked him if he would also leave: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
Blessings on your week ahead!
Fr. Tim Shreenan, O.F.M.