Dear St. Patrick-St. Anthony Community,
As I prepare to step into a new chapter as Director of Music at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey that has led me here. Without these 16 years of growth, learning, and unwavering support from this community, this next step would not have been possible. You have shaped me—not only as a musician but as a person—in ways I will always carry with me, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.
To the wonderful friars with whom I have had the honor of working—Fr. John, Fr. Francis, Fr. Bill, Fr. Mike, Fr. Andrew (+), Fr. Jim, and Fr. Cid—thank you for your guidance, kindness, and for creating a place where music and ministry are deeply intertwined. Your presence has been a true gift.
A special word of thanks to my two wonderful bosses during my tenure here, Fr. Tom Gallagher and Fr. Tim Shreenan—thank you for allowing me to be freely myself, for your gentle and beautiful leadership, and for the creativity and vision you brought to our shared work. Your trust has meant the world to me.
To each and every singer who has lifted their voice in song within these walls: your stories, your laughter, your commitment, and your passion have become a part of my life. I carry with me the joy of our music-making, the moments of transcendence, the challenges overcome, and the friendships formed.
And let me be clear—I am not truly leaving. I am simply a couple of blocks west of this sacred place, and I know our paths will con- tinue to cross. It has been an incredible privilege to serve you, and I will always cherish the time we have shared.
Pace e bene,
Gabriel Löfvall